C. Di Capua-sacoto

Efecto apoptótico como biomarcador de enfermedad, severidad y seguimiento en la cistitis intersticial

Resumen Objetivo Estudiar si el test de efecto apoptotico podria servir como biomarcador de severidad en el sindrome de dolor vesical/cistitis intersticial. Material y metodos Se realizo un estudio prospectivo entre enero de 2010 y enero de 2015, se incluyeron 57 pacientes diagnosticadas de cistitis intersticial y 49 de dolor pelvico cronico de origen ginecologico. Se expuso la orina a cultivos celulares y se analizo su capacidad para inducir apoptosis en ellos. Posteriormente se llevo acabo un analisis estadistico para valorar si el efecto apoptotico se asociaba con la sintomatologia. Resultados Al realizar un analisis de la asociacion entre el grado del efecto apoptotico y la sintomatolog…

research product

Apoptotic effect as biomarker of disease, severity and follow-up in interstitial cystitis

Objective: To determine whether the apoptotic effect test could serve as a biomarker of severity in bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis. Material and methods: A prospective study was conducted between January 2010 and January 2015, which included 57 patients diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and 49 diagnosed with chronic pelvic pain of gynaecological origin. The urine was exposed to cell cultures, and the urine's capacity for inducing apoptosis in the cultures was analysed. A statistical analysis was then conducted to assess whether the apoptotic effect was associated with the symptoms. Results: After performing an analysis of the association between the degree of apoptotic effec…

research product