N. Trauttmann
Trace Analysis of Plutonium and Technetium by Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using an Atomic Beam and a Laser Ion Source
A method for low level detection of plutonium and technetium is described with a detection limit of less than 107 atoms. Plutonium is a very toxic element due to its radioactive decay as well as its chemical behaviour. It was released to the environment in large amounts during the fifties and sixties of his century, principally by nuclear-weapon tests and some accidents. As a result about 0.4 − 4 mBq per gram 239Pu(T1/2 = 24390 y), corresponding to 4 × 108 − 4 × 109 atoms, can be found in the Northern Hemisphere in soil samples.
Quantitative Detection of Strontium-90 and Strontium-89 in Environmental Samples by Laser Mass Spectrometry
Parallel to the strongly growing public concern about environmental problems, new ideas for trace detection and analysis of toxic and radioactive material are being developed. One of these new and outstanding experimental techniques is the application of analytical laser spectroscopy. Most interesting in this context is the method of resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS), as proposed1 already in 1972 combining very high sensitivity in the detection of the element or isotope under investigation with high selectivity in the suppression of contaminants2–4.