B. Viard
Mesure de l’orientation de la glène de la scapula : méthode du triangle scapulaire
Processus coracoïde : étude des variabilités morphologiques en tomodensitométrie avec reconstruction 3D
Étienne Destot (1864–1918) : l’anatomie radiographique
Destot was born in Dijon, France, in 1864. He began his education in Burgundy, then he started his preclinical curriculum in Lyon, France, from 1884. He had to leave Lyon, and spent some times in Algeria to treat a tuberculosis. He came back in Lyon as a resident in 1886. Destot worked as an assistant in the laboratory of anatomy of Leo Testut in 1880. His thesis, in 1892, analyzed mortality in the departments of surgery of the Lyon hospitals. The polemical results he presented compromised his surgical career. He went on as prosector by Leo Testut, and then became electrician-physician in 1895 (electrotherapy and galvanotherapy). Etienne Destot of Lyon, France, developed in 1895 the first r…