Francisco Triviño
NoC Reconfiguration for CMP Virtualization
At NoC level, the traffic interferences can be drastically reduced by using virtualization mechanisms. An effective strategy to virtualize a NoC consists in dividing the network in different partitions, each one serving different applications and traffic flows. In this paper, we propose a NoC reconfiguration mechanism to support NoC virtualization under real scenarios. Dynamic reassignment of network resources to different partitions is allowed in order to NoC dynamically adapts to application needs. Evaluation results show a good behavior of CMP virtualization.
Exploring NoC Virtualization Alternatives in CMPs
Chip Multiprocessor systems (CMPs) contain more and more cores in every new generation. However, applications for these systems do not scale at the same pace. Thus, in order to obtain a good utilization several applications will need to coexist in the system and in those cases virtualization of the CMP system will become mandatory. In this paper we analyze two virtualization strategies at NoC-level aiming to isolate the traffic generated by each application to reduce or even eliminate interferences among messages belonging to different applications. The first model handles most interferences among messages with a virtual-channels (VCs) implementation minimizing both execution time and netwo…