Sigbjørn Sødal
Harvesting and recovery decisions under uncertainty
Abstract A stochastic forest rotation model in the Faustmann tradition is presented and exemplified. The model combines harvesting decisions with the potential to recover or clean up to restore the land after very unfavorable evolutions of the stochastic growth process. Uncertainty is shown to have a generally ambiguous effect on the optimal choice of investment strategy. It is also shown how such models can be related to theory of optimal inventory control.
Exploring the relationships between maritime connectivity, international trade and domestic production
The objective of this paper is to simultaneously analyse the complex relationships between bilateral maritime connectivity, bilateral trade and domestic production as measured by gross domestic pro...
Value based trading of real assets in shipping under stochastic freight rates
The article uses a real options valuation model with stochastic freight rates to investigate market efficiency and the economics of switching between the dry bulk and the tanker markets in international shipping. A dry bulk carrier is replaced with a tanker when the expected net present value of such a switch is optimal from a real options based decision rule. Depending on the development of the markets a reversal may take place later. The cost and demand parameters upon which the decisions to switch are made, including the stochastic characteristics of freight rates, are estimated from an empirical analysis that is updated every week throughout a 12-year time period from 1993 to 2005. The …