M. Vila
Hipertensión arterial y el paciente quirúrgico
Comentarios al artículo “resucitación hipotensiva en el paciente politraumatizado con shock hemorrágico”
Toxicidad de los anestésicos locales. Prevención y tratamiento
Resumen Aunque infrecuentes, las reacciones de toxicidad general a los anestesicos locales pueden ser muy graves, y resultar en dano irreversible o muerte del paciente. Por ello se requiere un protocolo de actuacion que siga unas lineas claras para el diagnostico y tratamiento rapidos, que son fundamentales para la recuperacion completa del paciente. Se revisa la fisiopatologia de la toxicidad por anestesicos locales, asi como las posibilidades de prevencion y el tratamiento una vez instaurada. Aunque hay pocos aspectos que se puedan basar en la evidencia, se recogen las medidas recomendadas haciendo especial hincapie en la reanimacion cardiopulmonar avanzada, el tratamiento farmacologico y…
Hemorragia y transfusión masivas. Recomendaciones para la elaboración de un protocolo
Because of the substantial morbidity and mortality provoked by massive bleeding, a protocol to guide treatment of this event in each hospital is required. The present article reviews the physiopathology of massive bleeding. The literature on massive hemorrhage and transfusion is extensively reviewed with a view to designing a practical document that could serve as a template to be adapted to the specific needs and resources of each center.
Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356
non presente
Anesthetic management of a patient diagnosed with CADASIL (cerebral arteriopathy, autosomal dominant, with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)
CADASIL (cerebral arteriopathy, autosomal dominant, with subcortical infarcts and leu-koencephalopathy) is an infrequent inherited disease that could have anesthetic implica-tions. However these have rarely been reported. We present a male patient previously diagnosed with CADASIL, who had suffered an ischemic vascular cerebral accident with a MRI compatible with leukoencephalopathy, and who was dependent for daily activities, and sustained dementia, mood alterations, apathy, and urine incontinence. He had famil-ial antecedents of psychiatric symptoms and ischemic stroke events in several relatives including his father, two brothers and one sister. He was scheduled for arthrodesis of the le…