Hg Derigs

Safety and feasibility of CHOP/rituximab induction treatment followed by high-dose chemo/radiotherapy and autologous PBSC-transplantation in patients with previously untreated mantle cell or indolent B-cell-non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Patients with no prior chemotherapy and with advanced and progressive follicular lymphoma (FCL) or mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) were enrolled into a treatment protocol combining CHOP/rituximab-CHOP therapy with subsequent consolidation high-dose therapy (HDT) to evaluate the safety and feasibility of this treatment. Overall, 15 patients were enrolled and 13 patients completed the entire treatment protocol without major toxicities or increased infectious complications. One patient withdrew consent after achieving complete remission (CR) prior to HDT. One patient was taken off study with signs of disease progression after induction treatment. All patients showed stable engraftment after HDT. Re…

research product

Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) mobilization with chemotherapy followed by sequential IL-3 and G-CSF administration in extensively pretreated patients

Extensive pretreatment has been identified as a significant risk factor for failure of sufficient PBSC mobilization. From published data and our own experience we defined pretreatment variables which render patients at risk for not collecting at least 2.5 x 10(6) CD34-positive cells per kg bodyweight (BW). These variables were previous unsuccessful PBSC mobilization trial, previous large field radiotherapy, four or more cycles of myelosuppressive chemotherapy regimens, and combinations of extended field radiotherapy plus chemotherapy. Based on these inclusion criteria we treated 19 patients with disease-specific conventional-dose chemotherapy followed by sequential subcutaneous administrati…

research product

Rituximab in vivo purging is safe and effective in combination with CD34-positive selected autologous stem cell transplantation for salvage therapy in B-NHL.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate feasibility and efficacy of Rituximab included into a sequential salvage protocol for CD20(+) B-NHL in relapse or induction failure. Twenty-seven patients with CD20(+) B-NHL in relapse or induction failure received Rituximab combined with DexaBEAM (R-DexaBEAM) for stem cell mobilization. Additional ex vivo selection of CD34-positive cells was performed using the CliniMacs device. Two doses of Rituximab were included in the high-dose therapy regimen (HDT). R-DexaBEAM was well tolerated and 26 of 27 patients mobilized sufficient numbers of CD34(+) blood stem cells. Application of R-DexaBEAM resulted in significant depletion of peripheral B cells. No t…

research product

Failure of sustained engraftment after non-myeloablative conditioning with low-dose TBI and T cell-reduced allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplantation

We investigated whether a T cell-reduced allogeneic stem cell transplant (SCT) with minimal conditioning and subsequent donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) could reduce the incidence and severity of GVHD while retaining stable engraftment. Five patients with hematological malignancies (three MM, one CLL, one Chediak-Higashi syndrome) were conditioned with TBI (200 cGy). One patient additionally received fludarabine (120 mg/m(2)). CsA and mofetyl-mycophenolate (MMF) were administered to prevent GVHD. All patients were grafted with >3 x 10(6)/kg highly purified CD34(+) cells together with 2 x 10(6)/kg CD3(+) cells (three patients) or 1 x 10(5)/kg CD3(+) cells (two patients). Quick hematopoietic …

research product

Infectious complications during neutropenia subsequent to peripheral blood stem cell transplantation

Type, severity and incidence of infection during the neutropenic period after peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) for treatment of malignant disease were studied in 66 patients treated at a single institution. Data of 34 female and 32 male patients with a median age of 43 years suffering from leukemia (12), lymphoma (35), multiple myeloma (six) or solid tumors (13) were retrospectively analyzed. All patients had received at least 2.5 x 10(6) CD34-positive cells for stem cell rescue after high-dose chemotherapy. Ninety-four percent of the patients experienced at least one febrile episode during their post-transplant course. The patients recovered quickly and defervesced after …

research product

Die Hochdosischemotherapie in der Behandlung des Mammakarzinoms: Gegenwärtiger Stand und Grenzen der Therapiemethode

Current Status and Limits: High-dose chemotherapy with autologous haematopoietic stem cell rescue has become in recent years a widely accepted therapeutic modality for advanced stage breast cancer in North America. The emergence of modern supportive measures like peripheral blood stem cell rescue has significantly decreased the toxicity and cost of high-dose chemotherapy. The rationale for use of escalated chemotherapy doses in breast cancer is the establishment of a dose-response relationship, with higher doses producing increased response rates in preclinical studies as well as in clinical trials. The dose limiting myelotoxicity of several active agents in breast cancer can only be overco…

research product


Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) plays an important role as a haematopoietically active cytokine. As described earlier in a murine model, interleukin 1 (IL-1) induced LIF mRNA and protein expression. We utilized the murine cell line +/+-1.LDA11 to further define regulatory mechanisms of LIF expression in bone marrow stromal cells. The production of LIF mRNA is stimulated by IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and the cAMP analogue 8-bromoadenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (8BrcAMP). LIF mRNA expression is controlled at the transcriptional level. Different fragments from -542 to -45 bp 5' upstream of the transcriptional start site of the murine LIF gene were fused to the luciferase gene. All LIF-promoter lucif…

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