Jan Schröder
Adjuvant MUC vaccination with tecemotide after resection of colorectal liver metastases: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter AIO phase II trial (LICC)
ABSTRACT Resection of colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) is a potential curative treatment for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) with liver-limited disease (LLD). Although long-term survival improved considerably within the last decades, high recurrence rates of 50-75% after resection remain a major challenge.Tecemotide (L-BLP25) is an antigen-specific cancer vaccine inducing immunity against mucin-1 (MUC1). The LICC trial aimed to improve survival in patients with mCRC after R0/R1 resection of CRLM. LICC was a binational, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter phase 2 study including patients with R0/R1 resected CRLM without evidence of metastatic disease…
HECTOR : a parallel multistage homopolymer spectrum based error corrector for 454 sequencing data
Background Current-generation sequencing technologies are able to produce low-cost, high-throughput reads. However, the produced reads are imperfect and may contain various sequencing errors. Although many error correction methods have been developed in recent years, none explicitly targets homopolymer-length errors in the 454 sequencing reads. Results We present HECTOR, a parallel multistage homopolymer spectrum based error corrector for 454 sequencing data. In this algorithm, for the first time we have investigated a novel homopolymer spectrum based approach to handle homopolymer insertions or deletions, which are the dominant sequencing errors in 454 pyrosequencing reads. We have evaluat…
Interfacial stabilization by soft Janus nanoparticles
Abstract The stabilization of water/air, water/oil and water/solid interfaces by Janus particles with polystyrene (PS) and poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) hemispheres was systematically investigated. The stabilization of these interfaces is of relevance for the formulation of foams, emulsions and dispersions. The Janus particles were prepared from micellar solutions of polystyrene-b-polyisoprene-b-poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) (PS-PI-PtBMA) triblock terpolymers by selective cross-linking of the polyisoprene domain on a multi-gram scale, followed by hydrolysis of the PtBMA block. For the investigation of water/oil-emulsions a series of hydrophobic oils (paraffin oil, xylene, peanut oil, isopro…
γ-Tubulin in Barley and Tobacco: Sequence Relationship and RNA Expression Patterns in Developing Leaves during Mitosis and Post-Mitotic Growth
gamma-Tubulin is typically associated with microtubule organising centres, such as the centrosome, and appears to mediate microtubule nucleation. Centrosomes are usually not found in higher plants, but active genes homologous to gamma-tubulin have been identified in the plant kingdom, including the angiosperms Arabidopsis, maize and rice. We have isolated and characterised gamma-tubulin cDNA sequences of two further angiosperm species, barley and tobacco. Sequence comparison revealed a phylogenetic tree with distinct clusters corresponding to the systematic position of the species. Furthermore, domains, thought to be exposed in the folded protein and to be candidates for interaction with as…
Überleben nach sekundärer Resektion von Lebermetastasen beim metastasierten kolorektalen Karzinom: Eine vergleichende Analyse der LICC-Studie mit historischen Kontrollen (CELIM, FIRE-3)
Survival after secondary liver resection in metastatic colorectal cancer: Comparing data of three prospective randomized European trials ( LICC , CELIM , FIRE ‐3)
Metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients with liver-limited disease (LLD) have a chance of long-term survival and potential cure after hepatic metastasectomy. However, the appropriate postoperative treatment strategy is still controversial. The CELIM and FIRE-3 studies demonstrated that secondary hepatic resection significantly improved overall survival. The objective of this analysis was to compare these favorable outcome data with recent results from the LICC trial investigating the antigen-specific cancer vaccine tecemotide (L-BLP-25) as adjuvant therapy in mCRC patients with LLD after R0/R1 resection. Data from mCRC patients with LLD and secondary hepatic resection from each study w…
Musket: a multistage k-mer spectrum-based error corrector for Illumina sequence data
Abstract Motivation: The imperfect sequence data produced by next-generation sequencing technologies have motivated the development of a number of short-read error correctors in recent years. The majority of methods focus on the correction of substitution errors, which are the dominant error source in data produced by Illumina sequencing technology. Existing tools either score high in terms of recall or precision but not consistently high in terms of both measures. Results: In this article, we present Musket, an efficient multistage k-mer-based corrector for Illumina short-read data. We use the k-mer spectrum approach and introduce three correction techniques in a multistage workflow: two-s…
Eine randomisierte, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte, multizentrische Phase-II-Studie zur adjuvanten Immuntherapie mit Tecemotid (L-BLP25) nach R0/R1 Resektion von Lebermetastasen beim kolorektalen Karzinom (LICC): Finale Ergebnisse
CLOVE: classification of genomic fusions into structural variation events
Background A precise understanding of structural variants (SVs) in DNA is important in the study of cancer and population diversity. Many methods have been designed to identify SVs from DNA sequencing data. However, the problem remains challenging because existing approaches suffer from low sensitivity, precision, and positional accuracy. Furthermore, many existing tools only identify breakpoints, and so not collect related breakpoints and classify them as a particular type of SV. Due to the rapidly increasing usage of high throughput sequencing technologies in this area, there is an urgent need for algorithms that can accurately classify complex genomic rearrangements (involving more than …