Bone marrow B lymphocytes in multiple myeloma and MGUS: Focus on distribution of naïve cells and memory subsets.
Multiple myeloma (MM) is caused by proliferation of clonal plasma cells (cPCs) in bone marrow (BM), associated with numerical and functional defects in immune subsets. An impairment of B cell compartment is involved in onset/progression of the disease.By flow cytometry, we studied distribution of naïve/transitional (IgD(+)CD27(-)), memory unswitched (IgD(+)CD27(+)), memory switched (IgD(-)CD27(+)) and double negative (DN) (IgD(-)CD27(-)) B lymphocytes in BM of control subjects, and responding and relapsing patients.We observed an increased percentage of IgD(+)CD27(+) B cells in healthy controls vs responding patients (p0.05). Treated non complete responders exhibited an expanded DN compartm…