M. Grussu
Il Nibbio reale Milvus milvus svernante in Italia, sintesi di cinque anni di monitoraggio
Beginning in December 2011, CISO has promoted a monitoring project for Red kite’s wintering population in Italy. This paper shows the results of the first five survey seasons, ie from December 2011 to January 2016. The censuses, always done at sunset, covered the eleven Central-Southern regions for which winter roosts were already known. The number of actual kites censuses each winter varied between about 1500 and over 1700 individuals, with strong oscillations for single roosts. The population is mainly concentrated in Basilicata with more than 64% of the entire winter population. Interesting data were also been found in Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise, which altogether host about 25% of the nat…
Ecological correlates of Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos breeding occurrence in Sardinia
Capsule Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Sardinia are clustered across the main mountain ranges of the island, with a preference for undisturbed and homogeneous inland habitats. Aims To analyse habitat preferences of the Golden Eagle in Sardinia, Italy, at the landscape and home range spatial scales. Methods Landscape scale habitat preferences were analysed using the 10 × 10 km Universal Transverse Mercator grid and the home range scale was based on the spatial distribution of breeding territories. Generalized linear models were fitted with three different sets of environmental predictors (topographic, bioclimatic and land use variables) to analyse the spatial distribution of Golden Eagle…