Javier Alonso-flores
The publication of news about the results of R+D+I. How do Spanish researchers perceive it?
El objetivo de este estudio es conocer cúal es la percepción que tienen los investigadores de las universidades españolas sobre el impacto que generan, sobre sus carreras profesionales, las noticias científicas que se publicancon los resultados de sus actividades de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+D+i). Para ello, se han seleccionado los datos obtenidos por una encuesta online realizada en el año 2016 de 602 investigadores y profesionales de la comunicación científica de 20 universidades de España, teniendo único requisito que alguna de sus publicaciones hubiera sido objeto de —al menos— una nota de prensa difundida por su universidad en los últimos cinco años. Para el…
Does science communication enhance researcher impact? A survey among scientists at spanish Universities
This study evaluates the perception among researchers at Spanish universities of the impact that science-related news published through institutional communications offices has on their research. An online survey was sent to 2,774 researchers at 20 Spanish universities and a total of 602 responses to the questionnaire were received, reflecting a response rate of 21.70%. The data was processed using the statistical software SPSS. The results showed that two out of three (65.4%) reported some form of benefit; almost half (46.5%) said that thanks to this institutional communication their research was better known among colleagues; one in four (27.2%) said that they had given speeches on their …