Tatjana Glaskova-kuzmina

12M Progress Report. Period concerning this report: 01.01.2018-31.12.2018.

During the first year of the project the main purpose was to choose, purchase and develop investigated materials: epoxy resin and at least two carbon nanofillers (nanotubes, nanofibres and/or graphene). The most promising material solution and the most optimal processing route were chosen and reported. Then two sets of epoxy and NC specimens were developed during Mobilities#2-3 to partner organization, Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (Portici, Italy). The test specimens of epoxy and NC were subjected to environmental ageing: water absorption at 70 °C until equilibrium water content and heating at 70 °C, then freezing at ap. -20 °C to evaluate the most environmentally sta…

research product

Dissemination/Communication Report. Period concerning this report: 01.01.2018-31.12.2018.

During the first year of the project implementation different dissemination/communication activities were carried out. First scientific results were presented on the 18th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM). For the dissemination of information among general public professional FACEBOOK profile was developed. Additionally, for better dissemination of project scientific results project profile “Environmental effects on physical properties of smart composites and fibre-reinforced plastics modified by carbonaceous nanofillers for structural applications” was developed at open-access database ZENODO (www.zenodo.org) under community POSTDOC-Latvia providing open-access to all publi…

research product

Flexural properties of the epoxy resin filled with single and hybrid carbon nanofillers

Abstract The aim of this paper was to estimate the effect of moisture and temperature on the flexural properties of the epoxy filled with single and hybrid carbon nanofillers (CNTs and CNFs) and to reveal the most environmentally stable NC. Water absorption at 70 °C until equilibrium moisture content and heating at 70 °C for 4 weeks were followed by freezing at -20 °C for 8 weeks. Microstructural characterization of optical images revealed homogeneous dispersion of all carbon nanofillers in the epoxy resin at microscale. Positive nanofiller effects were found for sorption, flexural and thermophysical characteristics of the epoxy resin. The most environmentally stable NC was epoxy filled wit…

research product

Pildvielas un robežslāņa ietekmes analīze uz epoksīda/māla nanokompozīta īpašībām

Šī darba mērķis ir novērtēt pildvielas un starpfāžu slāņa ietekmi uz epoksīda/māla nanokompozīta (NK) mehānisko uzvedību. Tika realizēti mitruma sorbcijas eksperimenti atmosfērās ar relatīvo mitrumu no 24 līdz 98%. Tika veikti kvazistatiskie stiepes eksperimenti, termogravimētrijas analīze un diferenciāli skenējošās kalorimetrijas eksperimenti uz paraugiem ar dažādu māla saturu sausā un mitrinātā stāvoklī. Izmantojot atomspēku mikroskopu, tika izpētīta nanokompozīta virsmas topogrāfija. Elastības un sorbcijas īpašības tika aprēķinātas pēc NK struktūras komponenšu īpašībām. Starpfāžu slānis tika ievests saskaņā ar hibrīda starpfāžu modeli. Tika novērtēta starpfāžu slāņa satura ietekme uz NK …

research product

Dissemination/Communication Report. Period concerning this report: 01.01.2019-31.12.2019.

During the second year of the project implementation different dissemination/communication activities were carried out. The scientific results of the project were presented on two conferences ICSAAM 2019, September 12-15, 2019 (Ischia, Italy) and DFMN 2019, November 19-22, 2019 (Moscow, Russia). Based on the conference presentation two conference full papers were prepared and submitted for the publication in conference proceedings having open access and indexed in Scopus. One scientific publication was published in the special issue of Polymers (Q1 open access journal, IF 3.2). For the dissemination of information among general public professional FACEBOOK profile was regularly updated with…

research product

Environmental Effects on Mechanical, Thermophysical and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Resin Filled with Carbon Nanofillers

The aim of this work was to establish the effect of environmental factors (moisture and temperature) on some mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of epoxy-based composites filled with carbon nanofillers: nanotubes (CNT), nanofibers (CNF) and hybrid nanofiller (nanotubes/nanofibers in the ratio 1:1) and to reveal the most environmentally stable NC. First, the nanocomposites (NC) containing different nanofiller contents were prepared to evaluate electrical percolation threshold and to choose NC at certain electrical conductivity for further characterization of the physical properties in initial state and during/after environmental ageing. The environmental ageing consisted of water a…

research product

24M Progress Report. Period concerning this report: 01.01.2019-31.12.2019.

During the second year of the project the main purpose was to design and develop smart fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) plate by using the most environmentally stable nanocomposite (NC) configuration. As a result, within the support of collaboration partner Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB, Portici, Italy) during Mobility#4 four basalt FRP plates were produced: two [0]8 plates impregnated with the epoxy or the NC, and two [0/45/90/-45]2 also impregnated with the epoxy or the NC, and two [0/45/90/-45]2. Additionally, a set of the specimens for the epoxy and epoxy filled with 0.1 wt.% of hybrid nanofiller (carbon nanotubes and nanofibers in the ratio 1:1) was developed …

research product