Mistretta R
Un contributo alla taratura italiana del Differential Aptitude Test (DAT-5)
Disoccupazione e percezione di efficacia nelle scelte di carriera
The relation between socio-relational self-efficacy and work engagement in an Italian sample of social workers
This study examined how much in social workers the confidence about perceived socio-relational competencies is related to work engagement. We used a questionnaire delevoped to assess the socio- relational self-efficacy (according to the Bandura’s theory), and the UWES (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003), a measure of work engagement, defined as a positive, fulfilling work-related state of mind. Subjects were interviewed in therapeutic commu- nities (for drug addicts, for abused women etc.) or family communities. It was found that some aspects of relational competence (like to feel able to understand others’ feelings) are strongly related to work engagement.