Migliore G

Use of fibrin glue in the treatment of pilonidal sinus disease: a pilot study.

BACKGROUND: Pilonidal sinus (PS) disease of the sacrococcigeal region is an acquired condition resulting from penetration of shed hair shafts through the skin. Different types of operations have been described in the letterature. More recently fibrin glue has been used with succesfull. Aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of fibrin glue for the treatment of pilonidal sinus. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight patients age ranged 21,8 +/- 6,5 affected by PS disease of sacrococcigeal region were included in this study. All patients undergoing surgical operation under local anaesthesia. Following administration of 1% methylene blue through the main opening, a small vertical elliptical inc…

research product

[Effectiveness of contemporary injection of botulinum toxin and topical application of glyceryl trinitrate against postoperative pain after Milligan-Morgan haemorrhoidectomy].

PURPOSE: After haemorrhoidectomy the maximum resting pressure (MRP) of the anal canal is significantly increased. This increase play an important role in the making of postoperative pain. Recently, both the topical application of glyceryl trinitrate (GT) and the intrasphincter injection of botulinum toxin (Tox), resulted effective, in reducing temporary the MRP although with different mechanism of action. In this study the effectiveness and safe of contemporary injection of Tox and topical application of 300 mg/die of GT after Milligan-Morgan haemorrhoidectomy, were evaluated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients, undergoing Milligan-Morgan haemorrhoidectomy for 3rd and 4th degree haemorrhoi…

research product

Efficacia della contemporanea iniezione di tossina botulinica ed applicazione perianale di trinitrato di glicerina in funzione antalgica dopo emorroidectomia sec. Milligan-Morgan

research product


BACKGROUND AND AIM: Data on maximum resting pressure (MRP) and maximum squeeze pressure (MSP) changes after hemorrhoidectomy are not univocal and follow-up of patients undergoing surgery is mostly short-lived. The aim of this study was to prospectively examine during 1-year follow-up the long-term manometric results of MRP, MSP, and ultra slow wave activity (USWA) within a set of patients undergoing Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy as compared to healthy controls. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty patients with hemorrhoids of third and fourth degree were enrolled and anorectal manometry was performed preoperatively, on the 5th day, and after 1, 6, and 12 months after surgery. RESULTS: On the 5t…

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