P Taormina
Surgical treatment of early breast cancer in day surgery.
Quadrantectomy and associated sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is currently employed in most breast surgery centres as the gold standard in the treatment of early breast cancer. This approach has a modest morbidity and can usually be performed in a day-surgery regimen, leading to best acceptance by the patients. This reports outlines the experience of our Breast Unit with quadrantectomy and SLNB in day surgery for early breast cancer. One hundred patients presenting to our institution with primary invasive breast cancer measuring less than 3 cm and clinically negative axillary nodes underwent quadrantectomy and SLNB in day surgery. For 60 women with breast cancer the sentinel node was nega…
Correlation between MMPS and proteomic profiles of breast cancer tissues
Tiroidectomia con LigaSure TM vs tiroidectomia tradizionale. Nostra esperienza
Nelle ultime decadi la strategia chirurgica delle affezioni tiroidee, sia benigne sia maligne, ha subito dìversi cambiamenti. ln par-ticolare, la tiroidectomia totale è og- gi divenuto l'intervento chirurgico di routine delìa maggior parte delle patologie ti- roìdee. Le complicanze di tale procedura chirurgica, sebbene a eziopatogenesi multifattoriale, sono spesso collegate all'efficacia dell'emostasi. ln questo lavoro, abbiamo voluto verificare se l'impiego del nuovo sistema emostatico LigaSurerM potesse ridurre l'incidenza di tali complicanze, nonché i tempi operatori e i giorni di degenza, rispetto alle metodiche di emostasi convenzìonale. VenÌiòinque pazienti sono stati randomizzali per…
The sentinel node biopsy is not contraindicated in multifocal breast carcinoma
Aim. Following the availability of the results ofvalidation studies, the sentinel lymph node biopsy(SLNB) has replaced routine axillary dissection(AD) as the new standard of care in early unifocal breast cancers.Multifocal (MF) and multicentric (MC) tumours have been considered as a contraindication for this technique due to the possible incidence of a higher false-negative rate. In this retrospective study we try to demonstrate the usefulness of SLNB in MF/MC breast carcinoma. Patients and Methods. Eight hundreds and fiftyeightpatients with breast carcinoma underwent a conservative surgery and sentinel node excision. Ninety-four out of 858 patients had histological diagnosis of multifocal …
S-100 calcium binding proteins as potential markers for breast cancer metastasis.
The S-100 family of calcium-binding proteins includes about 20 members of low molecular weight characterized by two consecutive EF hands domains. They make interactions with cellular target proteins in a calcium-dependent manner; therefore they are thought to regulate a variety of physiological functions, such as cell proliferation, signal transduction, cell adhesion, motility as well as cancer metastasis.