María José López-garcía

Cartografía de vulnerabilidad frente a inundaciones en llanos mediterráneos. Caso de estudio del Barranc de Carraixet y Rambla de Poyo

Este trabajo aborda la cartografía de vulnerabilidad frente a inundaciones, en dos pequeños llanos mediterráneos pertenecientes al Barranc de Carraixet y la Rambla de Poyo. Ambos forman parte del Área Metropolitana de Valencia, integrando las comarcas de l¿Horta Nord y l¿Horta Sud, respectivamente. Constituye un ensayo metodológico, basado en estimadores socioeconómicos sencillos, obtenidos a partir de los usos del suelo. La vulnerabilidad se evalúa en función del valor económico del suelo y de la exposición humana al peligro. El valor económico del suelo se calcula a partir del Catastro. La exposición se calcula para tres supuestos de densidad de ocupación del espacio en función de la fran…

research product

Mapping temporally-variable exposure to flooding in small Mediterranean basins using land-use indicators

Abstract This article deals with mapping exposure (or external vulnerability) to flood risk in two typical Mediterranean ephemeral streams: the Barranco de Carraixet and the Rambla de Poyo. The floodplains of both streams are within the metropolitan area of the city of Valencia (Spain’s third largest city). Following the Mediterranean model, they are very fertile areas (with intense periurban and highly productive agriculture) which have recently absorbed the great urban expansion of the metropolis. Hydrologically these basins remain dry for most of the year, but become particularly dangerous during flash-flood events. They generate a risk pattern highly dependent on exposure since, in gene…

research product

The effect of observation timescales on the characterisation of extreme Mediterranean precipitation

Abstract. This paper analyses the behaviour of five rainfall indicators (maximum intensity, cumulative rainfall, irregularity, probability of rain and persistence of rain) over different observation timescales ranging from 5 min to 24 h. It covers a large area on the Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula (River Júcar Water Authority, 43 000 km2) on a continuous basis over a period of 14 years (1994–2007). The results show that the behaviour of extreme Mediterranean rainfall is heavily dependent on the observation timescale. There are a number of turning points in the indicator trends which occur on different timescales (1 and 6 h in the case of rain intensity and irregularity, 6 h for…

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