F. Boochs
Integration of Spatial Technologies and Semantic Web Technologies for Industrial Archaeology
International audience; We propose a method that uses the advancement in spatial technologies from current database systems within the Semantic Web Technologies in order to enrich and to populate the knowledge of a domain defined in an OWL-DL ontology. The results of spatial operations and functions are used to populate and to enrich ontologies with new individuals and new relationships. The advantage of spatial analysis within Semantic Web technologies is the diversity of the functionalities provided by the combination of spatial operations and the rule language of the Semantic Web (SWRL). This method is applied in the industrial archaeology domain in order to enhance the knowledge managem…
Development of an Automatic Pollen Classification System Using Shape, Texture and Aperture Features
International audience; Automatic detection and classification of pollen species has value for use inside of palynologic allergen studies. Traditional labeling of different pollen species requires an expert biologist to classify particles by sight, and is therefore time-consuming and expensive. Here, an automatic process is developed which segments the particle contour and uses the extracted features for the classification process. We consider shape features, texture features and aperture features and analyze which are useful. The texture features analyzed include: Gabor Filters, Fast Fourier Transform, Local Binary Patterns, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, and Haralick features. We have s…