Pia Pihlajasaari

The 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory: Factorial Validity Across Organizations and Measurements of Longitudinal Data

The present study tested the factorial validity of the 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory (BBI-9) 1) . The BBI-9 is comprised of three core dimensions: (1) exhaustion at work; (2) cynicism toward the meaning of work; and (3) sense of inadequacy at work. The study further investigated whether the three-factor structure of the BBI-9 remains the same across different organizations (group invariance) and measurement time points (time invariance). The factorial group invariance was tested using a cross-sectional design with data pertaining to managers (n=742), and employees working in a bank (n=162), an engineering office (n=236), a public sector organization divided into three service areas: admin…

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Resurssien ja toimivaltuuksien puute eettisen kuormittuneisuuden riskitekijänä kaupunkiorganisaation sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa

Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin eettisen organisaatiokulttuurin toteutettavuuden hyveen yhteyttä eettiseen kuormittuneisuuteen (eettisistä dilemmoista johtuva stressi) sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen henkilöstöllä. Ilmiöitä ja niiden välisiä yhteyksiä tutkittiin sekä työyksikköjen jaettuina kokemuksina että työntekijöiden yksilöllisinä kokemuksina. Toteutettavuuden hyve kuvaa sitä, missä määrin organisaatio tarjoaa työntekijöilleen riittävät resurssit ja toimivaltuudet eettisesti kestävän työn tekemiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui kaupunkiorganisaation sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen 1 243 työntekijää 142 työyksiköstä. Aineisto analysoitiin monitasomallinnuksella, joka huomioi sekä työyksiköiden vä…

research product

Eettinen kuormittuneisuus ja sen yhteydet eettiseen organisaatiokulttuuriin kaupunkiorganisaatiossa, suunnittelutoimistossa ja pankissa

The study investigated inter-organisational differences in employees’ ethical strain and their evaluations of the ethical culture of their organisations. The second aim was to investigate associations between the ethical culture of organisations and employees’ experiences of ethical strain. Altogether 3894 employees responded to a web-based questionnaire in May 2011. Ethical strain was assessed by measuring the prevalence of ethical dilemmas (2 items) and the stress related to them (2 items). Ethical culture was measured using the 58-item Corporate Ethical Virtues scale (Kaptein 2008). Ethical strain was found to be highest among employees working in social and health services. Employees in…

research product

Eettinen organisaatiokulttuuri : yhteydet työhyvinvointiin ja työpaikan vaihtoihin

The research investigated the associations between ethical organizational cul ture, ethical strain (stress caused by ethical dilemmas) and job turnover. The first study investigated differences in employees’ ethical strain and their evalua tions of the ethical culture of their organizations between a public sector city organization (n = 3,123), an engineering firm (n = 287) and a bank (n = 187). In the second study, the connections between resources and personal authority for ethical actions (one dimension of the ethical culture of an organization) and eth ical strain in social affairs and health services in a public sector city organization were analyzed at the work-unit (n = 142) level as…

research product

Why Do Managers Leave Their Organization? : Investigating the Role of Ethical Organizational Culture in Managerial Turnover

The aim of the present longitudinal study was to quantitatively examine whether an ethical organizational culture predicts turnover among managers. To complement the quantitative results, a further important aim was to examine the self-reported reasons behind manager turnover, and the associations of ethical organizational culture with these reasons. The participants were Finnish managers working in technical and commercial fields. Logistic regression analyses indicated that, of the eight virtues investigated, congruency of supervisors, congruency of senior management, discussability, and sanctionability were negatively related to manager turnover. The results also revealed that the turnove…

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