Hossein Azarmdel
Developing an orientation and cutting point determination algorithm for a trout fish processing system using machine vision
Abstract Fish processing in small and medium fish supplying centers requires an intelligent system to operate on different sizes. Therefore, an image processing algorithm was developed to extract the proper head and belly cutting points according to the trout dimensions. The algorithm detects the fish orientation and location of pectoral, anal, pelvic, and caudal fins. In this study, each of the trout images was divided into slices along its length in order to segment the fins and extract cutting points. The channel ‘B’ of RGB color space was considered in both initial segmentation and fin detection stages among the examined channels of RGB, HSV, and L*a*b* color spaces. The back-belly and …
Design, fabrication and evaluation of an online Intelligent machine for trout beheading and gutting
La clasificación y procesado de pescado empleando máquinas automáticas reduce costes e incrementa el volumen de procesado. Después de su llegada a los mercados de distribución mayorista y minorista, el tamaño de los ejemplares suele ser muy variado para la mayoría de las especies (trucha, caballa, dorada, lubina, etc.). Debido a ello, la limpieza y corte de pescado se realiza habitualmente de forma manual. Este proceso involucra diferentes pasos y a menudo se corta en función de la demanda del usuario: sin cabeza, sin vísceras, sin cabeza ni vísceras, fileteado, etc. Combinando diferentes elementos tecnológicos, hoy en día es posible el desarrollo de sistemas automáticos capaces de mejorar …
Evaluation of image processing technique as an expert system in mulberry fruit grading based on ripeness level using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machine (SVM)
Abstract Image processing and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been applied to analyze, evaluate and classify mulberry fruit according to their ripeness (unripe, ripe, and overripe). A total of 577 mulberries were graded by an expert and the images were captured by an imaging system. Then, the geometrical properties, color, and texture characteristics of each segmented mulberry was extracted using two feature reduction methods: Correlation-based Feature Selection subset (CFS) and Consistency subset (CONS). Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were applied to classify mulberry fruit. ANN classification with the CFS subset feature extraction method res…
Design and Simulation of a Vision-Based Automatic Trout Fish-Processing Robot
Today, industrial automation is being applied in a wide range of fields. The initial modeling of robots and mechanical systems together with simulation results in optimal systems. In this study, the designed system is simulated to obtain the required velocities, accelerations and torques of the actuating arms in a vision-based automatic system. Due to the slippery skin of fish and the low friction coefficient, it is not easy to design an optimal tool to handle fish. Since the fish-processing operation is undertaken step by step and provides fish stability, it is essential that the gripper enables different processing operations along the system. The proposed system performs belly-cutting, b…