N. Inabe
Collinear laser spectroscopy of high-energy Li-like11B beam
As part of the RIKEN RIBF (RI beam factory) program, high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy for highly-charged radioactive isotope beams, is proposed in order to make a systematic study of the mean-square nuclear charge radii and moments of short lived radioactive isotopes far from the line of stability. To examine the feasibility of the experiment, we are now performing a test experiment using a laser beam and Li-like ion beams from RIKEN ring cyclotron. The D1 resonance line of a 11B2+ beam was clearly observed for the first time.
Simultaneous investigation of the T=1(Jπ=0+) and T=0(Jπ=9+) β decays in Br70
The $\beta$ decay of the odd-odd nucleus $^{70}$Br has been investigated with the BigRIPS and EURICA setups at the Radioactive Ion Beam Factory (RIBF) of the RIKEN Nishina Center. The $T=0$ ($J^{\pi}=9^+$) and $T=1$ ($J^{\pi}=0^+$) isomers have both been produced in in-flight fragmentation of $^{78}$Kr with ratios of 41.6(8)\% and 58.4(8)\%, respectively. A half-life of $t_{1/2}=2157^{+53}_{-49}$ ms has been measured for the $J^{\pi}=9^+$ isomer from $\gamma$-ray time decay analysis. Based on this result, we provide a new value of the half-life for the $J^{\pi}=0^+$ ground state of $^{70}$Br, $t_{1/2}=78.42\pm0.51$ ms, which is slightly more precise, and in excellent agreement, with the bes…
Production of highly charged metal ion beams from organic metal compounds at RIKEN 18 GHz ECRIS
Abstract Intense beams of highly charged metal ions (e.g., 80 μA for Fe13+) are successfully extracted from the 18 GHz ECR Ion Source at RIKEN by feeding vapors of organic metal compounds at room temperature into the ECR plasma chamber: by MIVOC method. The beam intensity of particular metal ion is strongly dependent on the microwave power and served compounds.