E. Carbonell

Helminth Communities in Audouin's Gulls, Larus audouinii from Chafarinas Islands (Western Mediterranean)

A survey of intestinal helminth communities of Audouin's s gulls Larus audouinii, from their breeding colonies in Chafarinas Islands, western Mediterranean, Spain was conducted to determine the abundance and species diversity of intestinal parasites of these birds. The sample of 58 gulls harbored intestinal helminth infracommunities composed of species that are gull generalists, including the digeneans Cardiocephalus longicollis, Knipowitschiatrema nicolai, Condylocotyla pilodora, and Aporchis massiliensis, and the cestode Tetrabothrius cylindraceus. Two nematodes are waterfowl generalists (Cosmocephalus obvelatus and Paracuaria adunca), whereas the digenean Acanthotrema armata is an Audoui…

research product

Benign tumors of the oral mucosa: A study of 300 patients

Objectives: To analyze the frequency and type of the most common benign tumors of the oral mucosa found at the Hospital Stomatology Service, and to study the clinical characteristics and possible etiological factors. Material and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 300 patients with histologically diagnosed benign tumors of the oral mucosa. Data was compiled for each case, documenting information relating to age, gender, medication, habits (smoking, oral hygiene), anamnesis (reason for consultation, symptomatology, evolution), and the characteristics of the lesion (site, color, size, surface, consistency, and base). Results: Of all the tumors studied, 53% were histologically diagnosed…

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Coprology of Panthera tigris altaica and Felis bengalensis euptilurus from the Russian Far East

Fecal samples from the Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) and the Amur cat (Felis bengalensis euptilurus) from Far Eastern Russia, were examined for parasites. A natural sedimentation methodology was used and a complete examination of all the sediment was performed. This fecal investigation allowed us to isolate and identify several developmental stages of gastrointestinal, hepatic, and respiratory parasites. Five parasites were found from P. t. altaica: 11 trematodes (Platynosomum fastosum) and 4 nematodes (Strongyloides sp., Ancylostomatidae, Toxascaris leonina, and Toxocara cati). Five parasites were found from F. b. euptilurus: 1 cestode (Diplopylidium sp.) and 4 nematodes (Trichu…

research product

Empirical calibration of shell chemistry of Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) (Crustacea: Ostracoda)

Abstract Cyprideis torosa is a species of ostracode that inhabits a wide range of aquatic habitats in which its low Alk/Ca requirement is met. Its fossil remains are widely used in palaeoecological studies of coastal environments and inland salt lakes. We collected C. torosa from 20 water bodies near Valencia, Spain. Temperature, chlorophyll a concentration, electrical conductivity, and the concentration of major ions and oxygen isotopes were measured at each site. Between 2 and 20 live individuals of C. torosa were collected per site, their instar stage and sex determined and their shell chemistry (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and carbon and oxygen isotope composition) analyzed. Three of these sites were …

research product

La Cova de Dalt del Tossal de la Font (Vilafamés, Castellón): conclusiones preliminares de las intervenciones arqueológicas (1982-1987 / 2004-2012)

Resumen Las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento de la Cova de Dalt del Tossal de la Font en la década de 1980 pusieron al descubierto un importante relleno kárstico del Pleistoceno Superior. Entre el registro recuperado destacan, además de diversas especies de herbívoros y carnívoros, así como de un reducido conjunto litotécnico, tres fósiles humanos adscritos en términos generales al grupo de los neandertales. Entre 2004 y 2012, en el marco de un convenio entre la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (UJI), el Servei d¿Investigacions Arqueològiques i Prehistòriques (SIAP) de la Diputació de Castelló y el Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), se ha desarrol…

research product

Parasite community diversity in two Mediterranean labrid fishes Symphodus tinea and Labrus merula

Examination of 111 peacock wrasse [Symphodus tinea (L.)] and 97 brown wrasse (Labrus merula L.) from the Valencian coast (Spain) yielded 24 metazoan parasite species (11 Digenea, three Cestoda, four Nematoda. one Acanlhocephala, five Crustacea). Eighteen species were from 5. tinea and 17 from L. merula; 11 of the 24 species were common to both hosts. Brillouin's diversity index, was applied to fully censused parasite infracommunities. This is the first time that all the metazoan parasites (internal and external) in any position in the host have been analysed for diversity. High values of prevalence, intensity, and diversity parameters indicate that these labrid fishes support diverse parasi…

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