J. P. Greene

β - and γ -spectroscopy study of Pd119 and Ag119

research product

Neutron configurations in 113Pd

Excited states in 113Pd, populated in β− decay of 113Rh and in spontaneous fission of 248Cm and 252Cf, have been studied by means of γ spectroscopy at the IGISOL facility of Jyvaskylä University and using large arrays of Ge detectors (Eurogam2 and Gammasphere, respectively). The position of the 11/2− yrast excitation in 113Pd, proposed recently at 166.1 keV by other authors, has been corrected to 98.9 keV. The decay of this level has been discussed to explain the observed transition intensities. The 7/2− member of the yrast, unique-parity configuration has been identified at 84.9 keV and a band on top of this level proposed. On top of the 1/2+, first excited state a band has been built and …

research product

New constraints on the Al25(p,γ) reaction and its influence on the flux of cosmic γ rays from classical nova explosions

The astrophysical 25Al(p,γ)26Si reaction represents one of the key remaining uncertainties in accurately modeling the abundance of radiogenic 26Al ejected from classical novae. Specifically, the strengths of key proton-unbound resonances in 26Si, that govern the rate of the 25Al(p,γ) reaction under explosive astrophysical conditions, remain unsettled. Here, we present a detailed spectroscopy study of the 26Si mirror nucleus 26Mg. We have measured the lifetime of the 3+, 6.125-MeV state in 26Mg to be 19(3)fs and provide compelling evidence for the existence of a 1− state in the T=1,A=26 system, indicating a previously unaccounted for ℓ=1 resonance in the 25Al(p,γ) reaction. Using the present…

research product

β- and γ-spectroscopy study of 119Pd and 119Ag

Neutron-rich 119Pd nuclei were produced in fission of natural uranium, induced by 25-MeV protons. Fission fragments swiftly extracted with the Ion Guide Isotope Separation On-Line method were mass separated using a dipole magnet and a Penning trap, providing mono-isotopic samples of 119Pd. Their β− decay was measured with γγ- and βγ-spectroscopy methods using low-energy germanium detectors and a thin plastic scintillator. Two distinct nuclear-level structures were observed in 119Ag, based on the 1/2− and 7/2+ isomers reported previously. The β−-decay work was complemented by a prompt-γ study of levels in 119Ag populated in spontaneous fission of 252Cf, performed using the Gammasphere array …

research product

β - and γ -spectroscopy study of Pd 119 and Ag 119

research product

New constraints on the Al 25 (p,γ) reaction and its influence on the flux of cosmic γ rays from classical nova explosions

The astrophysical Al25(p,γ)Si26 reaction represents one of the key remaining uncertainties in accurately modeling the abundance of radiogenic Al26 ejected from classical novae. Specifically, the strengths of key proton-unbound resonances in Si26, that govern the rate of the Al25(p,γ) reaction under explosive astrophysical conditions, remain unsettled. Here, we present a detailed spectroscopy study of the Si26 mirror nucleus Mg26. We have measured the lifetime of the 3+, 6.125-MeV state in Mg26 to be 19(3)fs and provide compelling evidence for the existence of a 1- state in the T=1,A=26 system, indicating a previously unaccounted for=1 resonance in the Al25(p,γ) reaction. Using the presently…

research product