All-Optical Spin Locking in Alkali-Vapor Magnetometers
The nonlinear Zeeman effect can induce splittings and asymmetries of magnetic-resonance lines in the geophysical magnetic-field range. We demonstrate a scheme to suppress the nonlinear Zeeman effect all optically based on spin locking. Spin locking is achieved with an effective oscillating magnetic field provided by the AC Stark-shift of an intensity-modulated and polarization-modulated laser beam. This results in the collapse of the multi-component asymmetric magnetic-resonance line with about 100 Hz width in the Earth-field range into a peak with a central component width of 25Hz. The technique is expected to be broadly applicable in practical magnetometry, potentially boosting the sensit…
Magnetometry with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond
This chapter covers magnetic sensing with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect centers in diamond. The NV center fundamentals are introduced and NV optically detected magnetic resonance techniques for dc and ac magnetic sensing are summarized. After reviewing some successful sensing applications, the advantages for using NV magnetometry, as well as some ongoing challenges, are enumerated.
Sidebands in Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance Signals of Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond
We study features in the optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) signals associated with negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers coupled to other paramagnetic impurities in diamond. Our results are important for understanding ODMR line shapes and for optimization of devices based on NV centers. We determine the origins of several side features to the unperturbed NV magnetic resonance by studying their magnetic field and microwave power dependences. Side resonances separated by around 130 MHz are due to hyperfine coupling between NV centers and nearest-neighbor C-13 nuclear spins. Side resonances separated by approximately {40, 260, 300} MHz are found to originate from simultan…
Temperature- and Magnetic-Field-Dependent Longitudinal Spin Relaxation in Nitrogen-Vacancy Ensembles in Diamond
We present an experimental study of the longitudinal electron-spin relaxation time (T1) of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) ensembles in diamond. T1 was studied as a function of temperature from 5 to 475 K and magnetic field from 0 to 630 G for several samples with various NV and nitrogen concentrations. Our studies reveal three processes responsible for T1 relaxation. Above room temperature, a two-phonon Raman process dominates, and below, we observe an Orbach-type process with an activation energy, 73(4) meV, which closely matches the local vibrational modes of the NV center. At yet lower temperatures, sample dependent cross relaxation processes dominate, resulting in temperature …
Miniature Cavity-Enhanced Diamond Magnetometer
We present a highly sensitive miniaturized cavity-enhanced room-temperature magnetic-field sensor based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. The magnetic resonance signal is detected by probing absorption on the 1042\,nm spin-singlet transition. To improve the absorptive signal the diamond is placed in an optical resonator. The device has a magnetic-field sensitivity of 28 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$, a projected photon shot-noise-limited sensitivity of 22 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ and an estimated quantum projection-noise-limited sensitivity of 0.43 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ with the sensing volume of $\sim$ 390 $\mu$m $\times$ 4500 $\mu$m$^{2}$. The presented miniaturized device is the basis for an e…