Carlo Siciliano

Study of the coordination of ortho-tyrosine and trans-4-hydroxyproline with aluminum(III) and iron(III)

Abstract The coordination of amino acids ortho-tyrosine (o-Tyr, 1) and trans-4-hydroxyproline (HPro, 2) with the biologically important trivalent metal ions Al(III) and Fe(III) in aqueous solution was investigated by 1H and 13C high resolution NMR, Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry (LD-MS), and MS/MS experiments. Potentiometric measurements were also carried out in 0.16 M NaCl, 37 °C, by varying the pH between 2.0 and 3.5. NMR spectra recorded on aqueous solutions of amino acids 1 or 2 in the presence of the appropriate trivalent metal chloride suggested that binding of Al(III) and Fe(III) involved the COOH and NH2 functional groups of ligands, while their phenolic and alcoholic groups whi…

research product

One-Pot Analysis: a New Integrated Methodology for Determination of TAG and FA Determination through LC/MS and in-silico Saponification

Vegetable oils differ significantly for their lipid profile and are mainly constituted by triacylglycerols (TAGs). These are esters formed bonding glycerol to three fatty acids (FAs). To the best of our knowledge, FA and TAG profiles in oils and fats are obtained using at least two different experimental techniques. In particular, FA determination requires elaborated procedures for sample preparation and analyte derivatization. In this work, we propose a one-pot analysis able to determine both TAG and FA contents of edible oils, using experimental data obtained from a simple liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry determination of TAGs. This experimental procedure is followed by an in silic…

research product