Rei Sakakibara
All-Optical Storage of Phase-Sensitive Quantum States of Light.
We experimentally demonstrate storage and on-demand release of phase-sensitive, photon-number superposition states of the form $\alpha |0\rangle + \beta e^{i\theta} |1\rangle$ for an optical quantized oscillator mode. For this purpose, we introduce a phase-probing mechanism to a storage system composed of two concatenated optical cavities, which was previously employed for storage of phase-insensitive single-photon states [Phys. Rev. X 3, 041028 (2013)]. This is the first demonstration of all-optically storing highly nonclassical and phase-sensitive quantum states of light. The strong nonclassicality of the states after storage becomes manifest as a negative region in the corresponding Wign…
Phase Locking between Two All-Optical Quantum Memories.
Optical approaches to quantum computation require the creation of multi-mode photonic quantum states in a controlled fashion. Here we experimentally demonstrate phase locking of two all-optical quantum memories, based on a concatenated cavity system with phase reference beams, for the time-controlled release of two-mode entangled single-photon states. The release time for each mode can be independently determined. The generated states are characterized by two-mode optical homodyne tomography. Entanglement and nonclassicality are preserved for release-time differences up to 400 ns, confirmed by logarithmic negativities and Wigner-function negativities, respectively.
Generation of two-mode quantum states of light with timing controllable memories
We created and experimentally verified two-mode entangled states of light, α|0,1⟩ + βe*+|1,0⟩, by means of two phase-sensitive optical quantum memories. The release timing of each optical mode can be independently controlled for up to 400 ns.