Francisco J. Muñoz-negrete
Recommendations for eye care during the alarm state by the coronavirus disease pandemic COVID-19.
Abstract Objective Minimize exposure to the SARS-CoV-2, reduce the chances of cross-transmission between patients and healthcare personnel, and prevent the development of postoperative complications from the management of patients with eye diseases during the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). Methods COVID-19 literature review and consensus establishment between different Spanish ophthalmology societies in order to provide guidelines and recommendations of maximum resources primarily conditioned by the state of alert, confinement and social distancing that occurs in Spain since March 16, 2020. Results The recommendations will promote the adoption of action and protection measure…
Diagnostic accuracy of nonmydriatic fundus photography for the detection of glaucoma in diabetic patients.
Purpose. To determine the diagnostic accuracy for glaucoma of a set of criteria with nonmydriatic monoscopic fundus photography (NMFP) in diabetics. Methods. Diabetics recruited from a screening program for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic glaucoma patients recruited from our glaucoma unit were included. Any patient with evidence of diabetic retinopathy was excluded. Diabetic patients had to have no visual field defects to be included as controls. Glaucoma patients had to have a glaucomatous field defect in at least one eye to be included. One NMFP was taken per eye for all subjects. These photographs were evaluated by two masked glaucoma specialists for the presence of the following: bila…
Recomendaciones para la atención oftalmológica durante el estado de alarma por la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus COVID-19
Resumen Objetivo Minimizar la exposicion al virus SARS-CoV-2, reducir las posibilidades de transmision cruzada entre pacientes y personal sanitario, y evitar el desarrollo de complicaciones postoperatorias por la atencion a pacientes con enfermedades oculares durante la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Metodos Elaboracion de un documento de revision del estado del conocimiento sobre COVID-19 y consenso entre diferentes sociedades oftalmologicas espanolas y afines, al objeto de proporcionar guias y recomendaciones de maximos recursos primariamente condicionadas por el estado de alerta, confinamiento y distanciamiento social que acontece en Espana desde el 16 de marzo d…