Licia Montagna
Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma With Enteric Differentiation: Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology
Pulmonary adenocarcinoma with enteric differentiation (PAED) is a rare subtype of lung adenocarcinoma recently recognized in the WHO classification. It is defined as an adenocarcinoma in which the enteric component exceeds 50% and have to show the expression of at least 1 immunohistochemical marker of enteric differentiation. Although the definition of this tumor type is very important, above all in the differential diagnosis between a primary lung tumor and a metastasis of colorectal adenocarcinoma, this cancer still lacks a distinctive immunohistochemical and molecular signature. We recruited the largest series in the literature of PAEDs according to the morphology and the positivity for …
Cell of origin markers identify different prognostic subgroups of lung adenocarcinoma
Strong prognostic markers able to stratify lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) patients are lacking. We evaluated whether a six-immunohistochemical markers panel (TTF1, SP-A, Napsin A, MUC5AC, CDX2 and CK5), defining the putative neoplastic “cell of origin,” allows to identify prognostic subgroups among lung ADC. We screened a large cohort of ADC specimens (2003–2013) from Torino Institutional Repository identifying: (i) marker positivity by immunohistochemistry, (ii) main morphological appearance by light microscopy, (iii) presence of “hotspot” mutations of candidate genes by Sequenom technology. To evaluate possible predictors of survival and time to recurrence, uni- and multivariable-adjusted comp…