Beta-amyloid monomers are neuroprotective
The 42-aa-long β-amyloid protein—Aβ1-42—is thought to play a central role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) (Walsh and Selkoe, 2007). Data from AD brain (Shankar et al., 2008), transgenic APP (amyloid precursor protein)-overexpressing mice (Lesné et al., 2006), and neuronal cultures treated with synthetic Aβ peptides (Lambert et al., 1998) indicate that self-association of Aβ1-42monomers into soluble oligomers is required for neurotoxicity. The function of monomeric Aβ1-42is unknown. The evidence that Aβ1-42is present in the brain and CSF of normal individuals suggests that the peptide is physiologically active (Shoji, 2002). Here we show that synthetic Aβ1-42monomers support …
SPANX-B and SPANX-C (Xq27 region) gene dosage analysis in Down’s syndrome subjects with undescended testes
Down’s syndrome (DS) is one of the most common numer- ical chromosomal aberrations, usually caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, and is frequently complicated with congen- ital heart defects, duodenal obs truction and other conditions including undescended testis (UDT) (Fonkalsrud 1970). The incidence of undescended testes in DS was reported to be 6.52% (Chew and Hutson 2004) while the incidence of UDT in the first year is approximately 0.2%–0.8% in the nor- mal population (Benson et al . 1991; Ichiyanagi et al . 1998). Rapley et al . (2000) provided evidence for a testicular germ- cell tumours (TGCT) predisposition locus at Xq27; the au- thors obtained an hlod score of 4.7 from families wit…
Design and synthesis of new trehalose-conjugated pentapeptides as inhibitors of Aβ(1-42) fibrillogenesis and toxicity
Aggregation of the amyloid A? peptide and its accumulation into insoluble deposits (plaques) are believed to be the main cause of neuronal dysfunction associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD); small molecules that can interfere with the A? amyloid fibril formation are therefore of interest for a potential therapeutic strategy. Three new trehalose-conjugated peptides of the well known ?-sheet breaker peptide iA?5p,were synthesized. The disaccharide was covalently attached to different sites of the LPFFD peptide chain, i.e. at the N-terminus, C-terminus or at the Asp side chain. CD spectroscopy in different solvents was used to assess changes in the peptide conformation of these compounds. Th…
A novel arousal-based individual screening reveals susceptibility and resilience to PTSD-like phenotypes in mice
Translational animal models for studying post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are valuable for elucidating the poorly understood neurobiology of this neuropsychiatric disorder. These models should encompass crucial features, including persistence of PTSD-like phenotypes triggered after exposure to a single traumatic event, trauma susceptibility/resilience and predictive validity. Here we propose a novel arousal-based individual screening (AIS) model that recapitulates all these features. The AIS model was designed by coupling the traumatization (24 h restraint) of C57BL/6 J mice with a novel individual screening. This screening consists of z-normalization of post-trauma changes in startle …