Valentina Aiello

The communication breakdown in the generation of the adverse event in an obstetrics and gynecology ward: a System Dynamics perspective.

During the last two decades, the issue of clinical risk management became one of the key topics in the Health care sector due to the increasing attention to the patient safety and the increase in monetary and non monetary costs (insurance fees, image etc.). For this reason, in the healthcare sector have been imported risk management methods that have been successfully applied in other sector. However they are too static and linear to study such a complex and dynamic issue as the risk management. The objective of the research is to investigate, with a system dynamics perspective, the relationship between the communication and the adverse event in the Health Care, referring to the studies of …

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Interactive Learning Environment as Innovative Teaching Method for Entrepreneurship Education

The main aim of this paper is to show an innovative web-based interactive learning environment (ILE) for promoting and improving entrepreneurship in a complex and non-linear business context. The web-based ILE allows the interaction among participants both at national and international level in order to stimulate the sharing of knowledge and experience. The adoption of an ILE as teaching method will help entrepreneurs to become more aware of their entrepreneurial attributes and skills and see entrepreneurship as a realistic and interesting career path.

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The Clinical Risk Management in a Hospital Ward: a Case-Study adopting System Dynamics Approach

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Che imprevisti a Sunny Island!

Attraverso un divertente racconto di fantasia, il lettore avrà modo di scoprire i principi del Pensiero Sistemico e familiarizzare con alcuni concetti fondamentali, tra i quali: le relazioni direttamente e inversamente proporzionali, i feedback, i limiti alla crescita, gli effetti a breve e lungo termine, i comportamenti contro-intuitivi. Il lettore potrà allenare la sua mente a cogliere la complessità di fenomeni o eventi che, a uno sguardo superficiale, potrebbero invece apparire semplici da comprendere e da gestire. Il libro si rivolge a ragazzi dai nove anni in su, a insegnanti delle scuole di primarie e secondarie che progettano di presentare i principi del pensiero sistemico ai propri…

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