Nadia Mangiapane
Studio analitico-osservazionale dell'andamento infortunistico nel triennio 2007/2009 in un ospedale palermitano.
Studio osservazionale su un gruppo di operatori sanitari addetti alla manipolazione di farmaci antiblastici di tre nosocomi siciliani
Neoplastic disease therapy problems, e.g. antiblastic drugs manipulation, is developing. We suggested correlation assessment between the lasting professional workers' exposition of three city hospital and disease development. We selected 43 exposed workers; we gave a questionnaire regarding the modality of activity; then we examined this sample with a protocol including clinical examination and special tests (blood tests, ECG, audiometry and spirometry). RESULTS: over 55% of the workers reported aspecific complaint related to antiblastic exposure (headache, nausea, vertigo, dermatitis, alopecia, rhino-conjunctivitis, asthenia, parageusia, fauces dryness); we registered, instead, the absence…