Vania Masutti
Il clitico soggetto di terza persona al in friulano centrale. Proposta per una nuova analisi
This chapter discusses the syntactic properties of the subject clitici pronoun 'al' ('he.CL') in Central Friulian. The description is based on a comparison with Western Friulian, in which the clitic cluster 'a l' occurs. We show that the Central Friulian 'al' is syntactically different and should be analysed as a single clitic. In the cases in which 'al' does not occur (this happens when another clitic pronoun is present), or when it occurs in the form -l (only after negation: 'nol' 'not=he.CL) is due to phonology. Our proposal is also strengthened by considering data from aphasia: aphasic speakers of Central Friulian seem to conceive the 'al' as a single clitic.
A syntactic analysis of the subject clitic a in the Friulian variety of Campone
This article presents a syntactic analysis of the third person subject clitic a in Camponese, a heretofore unstudied Friulian variety. Following Poletto's (2000) map of subject clitics, we argue that it bears [+third person] features, and is, in fact, the spell-out of the functional head Subj°, located in the highest projection of TP (following Rizzi & Shlonsky 2007). In the first part of the article, we offer a detailed description of the distribution and syntactic properties of the subject clitic a, identifying its position in relation to the other elements that occur in the CP and TP. In the second part we discuss two proposals put forward to account for split clitics like a-l in the…