Sebastiano Sferlazza

Which are Southern Italy’s fastest growing tree species? Lessons from the past for future perspectives, with a special focus on Sicily

Fast growing tree species can generate high wood production in a short time frame. However, maximum productivity is dependent on environmental and management conditions as well as intrinsic plant traits. Within this framework, our research was into tree species with the highest Mean Annual Increments (MAIs) in southern Italy, particularly in Sicily. Eucalyptus spp., Acacia saligna (Labill.) H. L. Wendl., Ailanthus altissima Mill. (Swingle), Pinus halepensis Mill. (including Pinus brutia Ten.), Pinus canariensis C.Sm. and Pinus radiata D. Don. were identified. In particularly suitable conditions, the MAI of eucalypt coppices ranged from 8 to 12 m3 ha-1, and from 13 to 19 m3 ha-1, in Eucalypt…

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Analisi degli approcci scientifici per la definizione comune di rinnovazione naturale con particolare riferimento all'ambiente mediterraneo

La rinnovazione forestale è il futuro di ogni foresta ed è legata a diversi fenomeni ecologici. Molti studi hanno utilizzato vari metodi per analizzare la rinnovazione forestale; tuttavia, a livello internazionale, non esiste un metodo comune condiviso per classificare il fenomeno della rigenerazione stessa. Con l’obiettivo di trovare una possibile sintesi comune questo lavoro analizza il fenomeno della rinnovazione naturale attraverso sia l’analisi di inventari forestali sia di pubblicazioni scientifiche. La ricerca ha permesso di elaborare un elenco bibliografico multilingue attraverso l’interrogazione di database on-line, la ricerca con parole chiave e l’analisi dei riferimenti bibliogra…

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Approfondimenti su alcune tecniche infiltrometriche per la misura delle conducibilità idraulica del suolo saturo

Nella memoria vengono approfonditi alcuni aspetti della misura in campo della conducibilità idraulica del suolo saturo, Kfs, con tecniche infiltrometriche. In primo luogo, è stata determinata la frequenza degli insuccessi con una prova del tipo Two- Ponding-Depth effettuata con l’infiltrometro ad anello singolo (PI). La suddetta frequenza è risultata più elevata in due suoli franco-argillosi (40%) che in uno franco-sabbioso (25%). Un contenuto idrico iniziale elevato ha costituito una possibile causa di fallimento della misura. L’esclusione dal data set delle prove che hanno fornito valori del parametro * ricadenti al di fuori del range 1-100 m-1 è risultata ininfluente solo nel caso in cu…

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Confronto tra differenti metodologie di valutazione della qualità fisica del suolo in un’area a pascolo e bosco della Sicilia

Il concetto di qualità fisica del suolo (SPQ, Soil Physical Quality) viene ormai largamente utilizzato, soprattutto in ambito agricolo. Un suolo agricolo di buona qualità fisica possiede caratteristiche strutturali favorevoli sia all’ancoraggio della coltura sia allo sviluppo dell’apparato radicale della pianta nonché un’adeguata ripartizione tra pori di diverse dimensioni, in modo da favorire simultaneamente l’areazione e la ritenzione idrica nel mezzo poroso. Per la valutazione della SPQ sono determinanti le misure di ritenzione idrica del suolo, che possono essere analizzate con diverse metodologie. Alcune indagini recenti segnalano tuttavia che la scelta della metodologia di analisi del…

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Programmare la selvicoltura in un bosco vetusto all’interno di un cratere secondario del Monte Etna: primi risultati

In questo contributo sono presentati i primi risultati di uno studio multidisciplinare condoto su un lembo di bosco vetusto a quercia congesta (Qercus congesta C. Presl) all’interno di un cratere secondario sulle pendici del cono vulcanico del Monte Etna, il cratere di Monte Egito. L’obietivo generale è migliorare l’eficienza ecosistemica di queste formazioni riconosciute come habitat di interesse comunitario (91AA* - boschi orientali di quercia bianca) tramite una selvicoltura eficiente ed eficace, programmata ed adatata sulla base delle carateristiche peculiari dell’ecosistema forestale, valutandone nel tempo i risultati dopo l’esecuzione degli interventi programmati. È stato adotato un a…

research product

The use of species in plantations: renaturalisation and reforestation in Sicily

Afforestation and reforestation activities in Sicily have been widespread in the last century, in order to increase the forest cover that was seriously reduced in the former centuries. Notwithstanding this, Sicily is still characterized by only the 12% of the regional surface covered by woods and forest. The reforestation in the last century was carried out using conifers and eucalypts, just in order to ensure a quick protection of slopes and pastureland, coping diffuse erosion events, and those intervention had a remarkable success. Nowadays, the target of enlarging the forest areas in the island is still compulsive, but the use of species, considering the actual knowledge and nature consc…

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Forest in Sicily

The Sicilian forestal landscape is part of an agro-forestal environment where wood stations, often spatially organized on grazing, alternate to scrublands and cultivated areas. In Roman times, the island’s forest surface amounted to about one million hectares, but the deforestation practices carried out to give room to agriculture, along the centuries, reduced this surface to about a third. Forests are still well preserved on mountains and above all on the Sicani, Madonie, and Nebrodi ranges and on Mt. Etna. On the remaining territory, the forest landscape is quite irregular and characterized by small stations within agricultural and grazing territories. On the basis of the last Regional Fo…

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Sensitivity to desertification risk of Sicilian forests

Sicilian forests can be considered at high decay risk because of more and more frequent wildfires and, even more, because of climate change effects, like floods, draught, heat waves, snow and wind storms. They are worrying processes, contributing at making ecosystems weaker and intensifying the potential desertification risk in Sicily, one of the most threatened of Italian regions by this form of soil degradation. The most effective approach to mitigate the effects of the climate change has been developed through the following action: cartographic identification, on a regional and landscape scale, of the forest areas subject to desertification risk.

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Resilienza delle foreste mediterranee. Le buone pratiche del progetto RESILFORMED.

The Resilformed LIFE project aims to preserve forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean against the risks resulting from climate change, through naturalization, increase biodiversity and improved responsiveness in the recovery process from destabilizing events. The article illustrates the best practices identified through the analysis provided by the project and the system to evaluate different interventions summarized in a survey form.

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Effect of laboratory procedures on the integrity of a sandy-loam soil sample for bi-directional measurement of saturated hydraulic conductivity

Practical and validated methods to measure anisotropy of saturated, Ks, or field-saturated, Kfs, soil hydraulic conductivity on a single soil sample are still lacking. The objective of this investigation was to test factors affecting anisotropy measured in a sandy-loam soil by the constant-head laboratory permeameter and the modified cube method. The ratio, RK, between the conductivity results obtained with a long (6 h) and a short (0.5 h) duration run varied from a minimum of 0.29 to a maximum of 0.88 with the considered experimental procedure, differing by both the employed constant-head device (Mariotte bottle, siphon) and the initial soil water content (unsaturated, saturated). Maximum …

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I servizi ecosistemici forestali connessi alla tutela del suolo e delle acque

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Comparing two methods of analysis of single-ring infiltrometer data for a sandy – loam soil

The single-ring pressure i n filtrometer (PI) with the steady-state Two-Ponding-Depth (TPD) applic ation method were developed to simulta neously determine the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, K , and the α ⁎ -parameter in the fi eld. Methods of analysis of transient PI data are also available but they have received little testing so far. The transient WU method and the TPD method were compared for a sandy-loam soil. A linearization technique o f the in filtration curve yielded more reliable K fs fs and α ⁎ results (i.e., falling within expected ranges) than a non-linear optimization technique. The WU method gave both positive and reasonable K and α ⁎ values for all infi ltration tests. U…

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Optimizing the Sampling Area across an Old-Growth Forest via UAV-Borne Laser Scanning, GNSS, and Radial Surveying

Aboveground biomass, volume, and basal area are among the most important structural attributes in forestry. Direct measurements are cost-intensive and time-consuming, especially for old-growth forests exhibiting a complex structure over a rugged topography. We defined a methodology to optimize the plot size and the (total) sampling area, allowing for structural attributes with a tolerable error to be estimated. The plot size was assessed by analyzing the semivariogram of a CHM model derived via UAV laser scanning, while the sampling area was based on the calculation of the absolute relative error as a function of allometric relationships. The allometric relationships allowed the structural …

research product

Analysis, assessment and quantification of the climate changes impact: the resilience silvicultural indicators

Sicilian forests can be considered at high decay risk because of more and more frequent wildfires and, even more, because of climate change effects, like floods, draught, heat waves, snow and wind storms. They are worrying processes, contributing at making ecosystems weaker and intensifying the potential desertification risk in Sicily, one of the most threatened of Italian regions by this form of soil degradation. The most effective approach to mitigate the effects of the climate change has been developed through the following action: analysis, assessment and quantification of the climate change impact: the silvicoltural resilience indicators.

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The evolution in time of the concept of fast growing tree species: is it possible to use a definition applicable to all environmental conditions?

Although the expression “fast-growing species” (FGS) referred to tree species has been since long time used, a clear definition has not been adopted for decades. Starting from the Italian historical background, we searched for the definitions of FGS formulated over time at a national and international level. The mean annual increment (MAI) of 10 m3 ha-1, identified by the FAO, has been the most commonly considered threshold until recently. Subsequently, experimental activities and research efforts have consistently enhanced the productivity of FGS, and other definitions have been proposed accordingly. Hence, FGS should provide annual wood yields of 15-25 m3 ha-1 with rotations of less than …

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Approfondimenti e sviluppi sulla misura in campo e in laboratorio della conducibilità idraulica del suolo

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È possibile tracciare un bilancio sull’eucalitticoltura in Sicilia e sulle sue prospettive?

La storia dell’eucalitticoltura in Sicilia è ormai una storia di mezzo secolo. La diffusione dell’eucalitticoltura in Sicilia e nelle regioni meridionali in genere ha corrisposto alla diffusione di un modello nuovo per queste realtà. Diversi errori sono stati compiuti soprattutto con riferimento alle scelte tecniche compiute a posteriori (scelta delle stazioni, assenza di cure colturali, utilizzazioni improprie). Un rinnovato interesse per questi popolamenti è derivato dalle opportunità offerte per l’utilizzazione energetica. Tuttavia anche questo approccio mostra i suoi limiti legati alla necessità di ricorrere a grossi volumi di legname e ad un utilizzo delle risorse legnose forestali sic…

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Resilienza al cambiamento climatico delle foreste mediterranee

Gli ecosistemi forestali e pre-forestali della Sicilia sono caratterizzati da semplificazione e fragilità strutturale che potrebbero aumentare per effetto dei cambiamenti climatici in atto. In questo contesto si inserisce il Progetto LIFE11+ Resilformed che vede coinvolti il Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali dell’Università di Palermo, la D.R.E.Am Italia, il Corpo Forestale della Regione Siciliana ed il Dipartimento dello Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale della Regione Siciliana in qualità di capofila. L’obiettivo generale del progetto è individuare opportuni interventi per salvaguardare i sistemi forestali mediterranei dai rischi derivanti dai cambiamenti climatici, aumentandone sta…

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