Monika Von Bonsdorff

Eläkeuudistuksen sisältö tunnetaan huonosti – havaintoja terveydenhuollon tutkimuksesta

research product

Intentions of early retirement and continuing to work among middle-aged and older employees

The purpose of this study is to investigate personal, health, work, and work-related psychological factors in association with employee intentions of early retirement and continuing to work after retirement in the form of bridge employment. In addition, the study aims to further our understanding of what motivates older employees by investigating age-related differences in employee reward preferences. The study draws upon several theoretical perspectives, including continuity theory, the life course perspective, theories on motivation, and the meaning of work for older employees. Survey data from three individual research projects are used in this study - age management studies consisting o…

research product

Perceived High Involvement Work Practices and Retirement Intentions

Sustainable human resource management (HRM) stresses the importance of maintaining and developing organizations’ human capital for social, ecological and financial reasons. In the context of aging workforce, the social aspect of sustainable HRM relates to the discussion of retaining older employees and preventing their early exit from work life. This study builds on sustainable HRM literature and examines the antecedents of working until official retirement age and continuing working beyond retirement age with special reference to perceived high involvement work practices (HIWPs). The study population consisted of older (more than 50 years) nursing professionals who work at a Finnish univer…

research product

Perspectives on Dynamic Retirement and Active Ageing

One central goal in ageing individuals’ late-career stages is to participate in working life, subsequently transition successfully into retirement, and to lead a satisfying and healthy life in retirement. In many ways, these goals are aligned with the policy orientation of countries facing challenges with global ageing. This chapter describes some of the current themes of retirement and late-career research, with a specific interest on the role of individual resource allocation strategies and human resource management in promoting the work ability of older employees. It will present the concept of bridge employment in the Finnish context, and the effects of normal retirement, i.e. after rea…

research product

Examining Bridge Employment From a Self-employment Perspective : Evidence From the Health and Retirement Study

This study examines bridge employment decision-making from a self-employment perspective using 3 prominent retirement theories, the life course perspective, continuity theory and role theory. Focusing on self-employment extends the current theoretical understanding of bridge employment and offers interesting implications for retirement policy-making. Specifically, using longitudinal data from the Health and Retirement Study (n = 2,080), we conducted multinomial regression analysis to examine who were more/less likely to fully retire, enter bridge employment in the wage-and-salary form, or enter bridge employment in the self-employment form. Furthermore, we examined the role of pre-retiremen…

research product

Perceived development opportunities and reward satisfaction as antecedents of nurses’ job withdrawal intentions

Retention of nurses has received considerable attention in recent years due to the ageing population and the shortage of nurses. However, most of the studies have concentrated on either older nurses’ early retirement or younger nurses’ turnover intentions. This study analyses the antecedents of different forms of job withdrawal intentions with special reference to perceived development opportunities and reward satisfaction. A quantitative survey was conducted among nurses in one Finnish University hospital. A total of 510 nurses completed the questionnaire, representing a 54.4% response rate. The results demonstrated that job withdrawal intentions were relatively common and age-dependent am…

research product

Trajectories of mobility limitations over 24 years and their characterization by shift work and leisure-time physical activity in midlife

Background We aimed to investigate trajectories of mobility limitations (MLs) over a period of 24 years. In addition, we aimed to study how shift work and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) in midlife predict assignment to MLs trajectories separately for those retired on statutory pensions (SPs) and on disability pensions (DPs). Methods Subjects who responded MLs questionnaires (1985–2009, N = 3048) in Finnish Longitudinal Study on Aging Municipal Employees were included in this prospective cohort study. LTPA and shift work were measured during baseline. International Classification of Functioning was used to code MLs. Growth mixture modeling was used to identify the trajectories of MLs.…

research product

Job satisfaction mediates the association between perceived leadership styles and early retirement intentions

The ageing of the population is particularly challenging for the healthcare sector, which is at the same time facing a nursing shortage. Therefore, improving work conditions and well-being at work in order to prolong nurses’ careers and retention in their profession until retirement age has become one of the key issues of healthcare leaders and policymakers. This study tested a structural model linking nurses’ perceived leadership styles and early retirement intentions. We tested the model in a sample of 343 nurses at one Finnish university hospital. It was hypothesized that the relationship between perceived leadership styles and early retirement intentions would be mediated by job satisfa…

research product

Work-loss years among people diagnosed with diabetes : a reappraisal from a life course perspective

Aims Early exit from the workforce has been proposed to be one of the unfavorable consequences of diabetes. We examined whether early exit from the workforce differed between persons who were and were not diagnosed with diabetes during their work career. Methods The cohort included 12,726 individuals of the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study, born between 1934 and 1944. Using data from nationwide registers, the cohort was followed up from early adulthood until they transitioned into retirement or died. Work-loss years were estimated using the restricted mean work years method. Results During a follow-up of 382,328 person-years for men and 349 894 for women, 36.8% transitioned into old age pension …

research product

Työhyvinvoinnin psykologiaa, osa 2

Kirja-arvio: Anne Mäkikangas, Saija Mauno & TaruFeldt (toim.) (2017) Tykkää työstä. Työ hy­vinvoinnin psykologiset perusteet. Jyväskylä: PS­kustannus. 220 s. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Mid-career work patterns and physical and mental functioning at age 60–64 : evidence from the 1946 British birth cohort

Background: Previous studies of the associations between unemployment and health have primarily focused on mental health and long-term associations have not often been explored. This study investigated if discontinuous employment in mid-career was related to self-reported physical and mental functioning at age 60–64 years. Methods: Data come from the Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development, a British cohort that has been followed-up since birth in 1946. A total of 2061 study members had data available on mid-career employment patterns and physical and mental functioning assessed using the Short Form 36 questionnaire at age 60–64. Employment patterns in mid-career …

research product

Tiedelehden kehittämisestä ja työelämän tutkimuksesta

research product

Tutkimusetiikka yhä tärkeämpää työelämän tutkimuksessa

research product

Inverse Effects of Midlife Occupational and Leisure Time Physical Activity on Mobility Limitation in Old Age-A 28-Year Prospective Follow-Up Study

Objectives: To evaluate in a sample of initially middle-aged municipal employees whether leisure time (LPA) or occupational physical activity (OPA) was associated with mobility limitation (ML) in old age. Design: Prospective population-based follow-up. Setting: Municipalities in Finland. Participants: Public sector employees from the Finnish Longitudinal Study on Municipal Employees (FLAME) initially aged 44 to 58 (N = 5,200). Measurements: Baseline data were collected in 1981, including LPA (average exercise within previous year: inactive (no exercise), moderate (some form of exercise ?1 time per week), vigorous (brisk exercise ?1 time per week)) and OPA (usual activities at work within pr…

research product

Work ability as a determinant of old age disability severity: evidence from the 28-year Finnish Longitudinal Study on Municipal Employees

Background and aims: Lower occupational class correlates with a higher disability risk later in life. However, it is not clear whether the demands made by mental and physical work relative to individual resources in midlife predict well-being in old age. This study investigated prospectively whether work ability in midlife predicts disability severity in activities of everyday living in old age. Methods: Data come from the population-based 28-year follow-up called Finnish Longitudinal Study of Municipal Employees. A total of 2879 occupationally active persons aged 44-58 years answered a questionnaire on work ability at baseline in 1981 and activities of daily living in 2009. At baseline, pe…

research product