Heidi Skantz
The Associations of Activity Fragmentation with Physical and Mental Fatigability among Community-Dwelling 75-, 80- and 85-Year-Old People
Abstract Background Fatigue related to task standardized by duration and intensity, termed fatigability, could manifest as shortening of activity bouts throughout the day causing daily activity to accumulate in a more fragmented pattern. Our purpose was to study the association of activity fragmentation with physical and mental dimensions of fatigability. Methods A cross-sectional study of 485 community-dwelling 75-, 80-, and 85-year-old people using a thigh-worn accelerometer for 3–7 days. Activity fragmentation was studied as Active-to-Sedentary Transition Probability for 2 operational definitions of physical activity: accelerations equivalent to at least light physical activity and for u…
Outdoor Mobility and Use of Adaptive or Maladaptive Walking Modifications among Older People
Background. In old age, decline in functioning may cause changes in walking ability. Our aim was to study whether older people who report adaptive, maladaptive or no walking modifications differ in outdoor mobility. Methods. Community-dwelling people aged 75–90 years (N=848) were interviewed at baseline, of whom 761 participated in the 2-year follow-up. Walking modifications were assessed by asking the participants whether they had modified their way of walking 2 kilometers due to their health. Based on the responses, three categories were formed: no walking modifications (reference), adaptive (e.g., walking more slowly, using an aid) and maladaptive walking modifications (reduced frequency…
Supplemental_tables – Supplemental Material for Associations between Perceived Outdoor Environment and Walking Modifications in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study
Supplemental Material, Supplemental_tables for Associations between Perceived Outdoor Environment and Walking Modifications in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study by Heidi Skantz, Taina Rantanen, Timo Rantalainen, Kirsi E. Keskinen, Lotta Palmberg, Erja Portegijs, Johanna Eronen and Merja Rantakokko in Journal of Aging and Health
Associations Between Accelerometer-Based Free-Living Walking and Self-Reported Walking Capability Among Community-Dwelling Older People
The authors examined whether accelerometer-based free-living walking differs between those reporting walking modifications or perceiving walking difficulty versus those with no difficulty. Community-dwelling 75-, 80-, or 85-year-old people (N = 479) wore accelerometers continuously for 3–7 days, and reported whether they perceived no difficulties, used walking modifications, or perceived difficulties walking 2 km. Daily walking minutes, walking bouts, walking bout intensity and duration, and activity fragmentation were calculated from accelerometer recordings, and cut points for increased risk for perceiving walking difficulties were calculated using receiver operating characteristic analys…
Individual Scaling of Accelerometry to Preferred Walking Speed in the Assessment of Physical Activity in Older Adults
Abstract Background Walking forms a large portion of physical activity (PA) of older adults. We assessed free-living PA using acceleration corresponding to preferred walking speed as a relative cut-point and studied how it relates to age. We compared the relative cut-point to a common absolute cut-point of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Method Four hundred forty-four community-dwelling adults aged 75, 80, and 85 years wore an accelerometer on the thigh during a PA surveillance period and a modified 6-minute walking test (6MWT) at preferred speed. Each individual’s mean acceleration (g) during the 6MWT was used as a cut-point for relative PA. Acceleration corresponding to thr…
Valtti-ohjelma lisäsi erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten ja nuorten fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja liikunnan harrastamista
Erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten ja nuorten fyysinen aktiivisuus on vähäisempää kuin vammattomilla lapsilla ja nuorilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Valtti-ohjelman vaikutuksia 6–23-vuotiaiden erityislasten ja -nuorten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja liikunnan harrastamiseen. Kaikkiaan 367 erityislasta ja -nuorta ympäri Suomea hakivat mukaan Valtti-ohjelmaan ja heistä 155 (68 % poikia, ikä ka 12.2 vuotta) osallistuivat tähän tutkimukseen. Tutkimukseen osallistuvat lapset ja nuoret saivat oman Valtti-henkilön, joka auttoi heitä etsimään soveltuvia harrastusmahdollisuuksia, teki harrastekokeilusuunnitelman sekä tuki ja kannusti harrastekokeilujen aikana. Valtti-ohjelma on Suo…
Associations between Perceived Outdoor Environment and Walking Modifications in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study
Objectives: To examine associations of perceived outdoor environment with the prevalence and development of adaptive (e.g., slower pace) and maladaptive (e.g., avoiding walking) modifications in walking 2 km among older people. Methods: Community-dwelling 75–90 -year-old persons ( N = 848) reported environmental outdoor mobility facilitators and barriers at baseline. Modifications in walking 2 km (adaptive, maladaptive, or no) were assessed at baseline and one and two years later. Results: Outdoor mobility facilitators were more often reported by those not using modifications or using adaptive versus maladaptive walking modifications. Differences in health and physical capacity explained m…
Esteetön rakentaminen on kaunista ja käytännöllistä
Perceived Opportunities for Physical Activity and Willingness to Be More Active in Older Adults with Different Physical Activity Levels
This study examined equity in physical activity (PA) by investigating whether perceived opportunity for PA was associated with willingness to be more active. Among community residents (75, 80, or 85 years old, n = 962) perceived opportunity for PA (poor and good), willingness to be more active (not at all, a bit, and a lot), and level of PA (low, moderate, and high) were assessed via questionnaires. Multinomial logistic regression showed that physical activity moderated the association between poor opportunity and willingness to increase PA. Among those with moderate PA, poor opportunity for PA increased the odds of willingness to be a lot more active (multinomial odds ratio, mOR 3.90, 95% …