A.v. Evsenin
Neutron and fragment yields in proton-induced fission of 238U at intermediate energies
The primary fission fragment mass and kinetic energy distributions, and neutron multiplicities as function of fragment mass have been measured in the proton-induced fission of 238 U at energies Ep ¼ 20, 35, 50 and 60 MeV using time-of-flight technique. Pre-scission and post-scission neutron multiplicities have been extracted from double differential distributions. The fragment mass dependence of the post-scission neutron multiplicities reveals the gross nuclear shell structure effect even at the higher proton energies we measured. The yields ofneutron-rich fission products in the fission of 238 U by 25 MeV protons were measured using an ion guide-based isotope separator technique. The resul…
Breakthrough in pulse-shape based particle identification with silicon detectors
Identification of charged particles is an important method in nuclear spectroscopy. We have achieved a major breakthrough that makes the pulse-shape discrimination (PSD) method with a single solid-state detector comparable to and sometimes better than the traditional telescope technique. By using rear-side injection in over-biased surface barrier n-type Si detectors made from homogeneously doped n-TD silicon, and extracting the pulse-shape information already at the preamplifier level we have reached improved Z and even A discrimination over a wide dynamic range. Previously good separation with the PSD technique required a major degradation of time resolution and inferior energy resolution.…
Fission product yields at intermediate energy
The results of experimental and theoretical studies of fission product yields in proton-induced fission of 238U are presented. The yields of neutron-rich Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga and Ge—isotopes were measured by 25 MeV protons and the ion guide-based isotope separator technique. The pre-neutron emission fragment mass distributions were measured by protons at energies Ep=20, 35, 50 and 60 MeV using time-of-flight method. The results indicate enhancement for superasymmetric mass division at intermediate excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus. A model calculation of fission products yields for fission of 238U by protons and neutrons is presented which predicts the formation cross sections for neutr…
Fragment mass distribution in superasymmetric region in proton-induced fission of U and Th
Fission fragment mass distributions down to super-asymmetric mass region and both pre- and post-scission neutron multiplicity for238U(p,fission) reaction atEp = 20, 35, 50, 60 MeV and for232Th(p, fission) reaction atEp = 50, 60 MeV were measured using HENDES set-up. The results indicate enhancement for super-asymmetric mass division at intermediate excitation energies.