J. Kastner
A rapid H? change in X Persei
A trend of decreasing Hα emission over a period of thirty minutes is apparent in a series of spectra of X Persei taken on 31 December, 1987. This change appears to be astrophysical in origin and it indicates an anomalous state for X Persei that may be linked to its transition from a Be star to a normal B star, which occurred sometime between March 1988 and November 1990.
The close classical T Tauri binary V4046 Sgr: Complex magnetic fields & distributed mass accretion
We report here the first results of a multi-wavelength campaign focussing on magnetospheric accretion processes within the close binary system V4046 Sgr, hosting two partly-convective classical T Tauri stars of masses ~0.9 Msun and age ~12 Myr. In this paper, we present time-resolved spectropolarimetric observations collected in 2009 September with ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) and covering a full span of 7d or ~2.5 orbital/rotational cycles of V4046 Sgr. Small circularly polarised Zeeman signatures are detected in the photospheric absorption lines but not in the accretion-powered emission lines of V4046 Sgr, thereby demonstrating that both system components host lar…
A phase change in X Persei
We present a series of optical spectroscopic and infrared photometric observations of the Be/X-ray binary system X Per made over the last four years. Over this period the Hα line profile changed from emission to absorption, accompanied by a decrease in the infrared flux by over a magnitude and a flattening of the infrared spectrum. Such behaviour is consistent with the loss of the circumstellar disc or shell of material around the Be star and the reversion to a normal O/B-type star.