Claus Gerhardt
A note on the exterior capillarity problem
Regularity of solutions of nonlinear variational inequalities
Existence, regularity, and boundary behaviour of generalized surfaces of prescribed mean curvature
Hypersurfaces of prescribed mean curvature over obstacles
Let ~2 be a bounded domain in the euclidean space IR", n-> 2, with Lipschitz boundary ~ . We shall consider surfaces which are graphs of functions u defined on f2 having prescribed mean curvature H=H(x, u) with the side condition that they should be bounded from below by an obstacle ~b. The case H = 0 (minimal surfaces) has been discussed in detail by several authors, compare [6, 7, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24] of the references. Tomi [-31] has also investigated parametric surfaces with variable H. More general variational problems with obstructions have been discussed in [-9] and [-10]. During the session on "Variationsrechnung", held from June 18th to June 24th, 1972 in Oberwolfach, Mirand…