Gradient-echo and CRAZED imaging for minute detection of Alzheimer plaques in an APPV717I x ADAM10-dn mouse model.
Different strategies to visualize amyloid plaques with MRI at 17.6 Tesla were investigated in a novel mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Large iron-containing plaques were observed in the thalamus, but cortical plaques did not show iron deposits. Plaques in the thalamus were visualized in vivo with the use of low-resolution, 3D gradient-echo (GRE) imaging in 82 s, and with 94-microm resolution in 34 min. The feasibility of obtaining bright contrast from plaques using the COSY revamped with asymmetric z-GRE detection (CRAZED) technique was investigated in experiments on fixed brains. The original CRAZED approach provided reduced signal near the plaques (similarly to GRE imaging) and ad…