Mario Sigalotti
Introduction to the Pontryagin Maximum Principle for Quantum Optimal Control
Optimal Control Theory is a powerful mathematical tool, which has known a rapid development since the 1950s, mainly for engineering applications. More recently, it has become a widely used method to improve process performance in quantum technologies by means of highly efficient control of quantum dynamics. This tutorial aims at providing an introduction to key concepts of optimal control theory which is accessible to physicists and engineers working in quantum control or in related fields. The different mathematical results are introduced intuitively, before being rigorously stated. This tutorial describes modern aspects of optimal control theory, with a particular focus on the Pontryagin …
Time-Optimal Synthesis for Three Relevant Problems: The Brockett Integrator, the Grushin Plane and the Martinet Distribution
We construct the time-optimal synthesis for 3 problems that are linear in the control and with polytopic constraints in the controls. Namely, the Brockett integrator, the Grushin plane, and the Martinet distribution. The main purpose is to illustrate the steps in solving an optimal control problem and in particular the use of second order conditions. The Grushin and the Martinet case are particularly important: the first is the prototype of a rank-varying distribution, the second of a non-equiregular structure.