Véronique Collange
Products labeled as “made in domestic country”: the brand matters
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to better understand an increasingly widespread practice consisting, of a brand, in signaling the domestic origin of its products aimed at domestic consumers, that is, the “made in the domestic country” (MIDC) strategy. To this end, it is proposed to analyze the MIDC label as a cue interacting with the brand’s characteristics (brand equity and country of origin of the brand). Design/methodology/approach A between-subjects experiment is conducted among 293 French consumers on four different brands of pasta. The overall design is a 2 (with/without the MIDC label) × 2 (high/low brand equity) × 2 (domestic/foreign brand) mixed design. Findings The results s…
L'impact de la substitution de marques sur l'évaluation et l'intention d'achat du produit.
L'objectif de cet article est de comprendre l'impact de la substitution de marques sur l'évaluation et l'intention d'achat du produit. À cette fin, les différents types de substitutions de marques sont présentés. Puis, à partir des travaux relatifs à l'extension de marque et au co-marquage, des variables susceptibles d'expliquer l'évolution de l'évaluation et de l'intention d'achat d'un produit qui a changé de nom de marque sont proposées. L'étude empirique met en évidence que cinq variables influencent l'évolution de l'évaluation et de l'intention d'achat du produit qui a changé de nom de marque: (1) la similarité entre la marque de substitution et la marque initiale, (2) la cohérence per…
Overcoming resistance to product rebranding
Purpose – The purpose of this article is to understand how and why consumers resist or accept product rebranding. It seeks to identify and to quantify the drivers of attitudes toward this marketing practice to guide marketing managers in the execution of an effective changeover. Design/methodology/approach – The research is conducted in three stages. First, a qualitative study is run among 45 consumers to identify variables that might influence attitudes toward product rebranding. Second, a review of literature on the emotion of surprise is carried out to specify the relationships between the variables previously identified and to formulate hypotheses. Third, a quantitative study is conduc…
La labellisation « Fabrication française » des PGC : Un signal positif pour l’économie et l’environnement, mais pas pour la qualité
International audience
To be or not to be a brand: the author name
International audience; The aim of this research is to determine whether or not the author name is of the same nature as a brand namein readers’ eyes, in order to understand whether there is a limit, a boundto the scope of the branding concept. The case of the literary fiction writer is especially interesting since literature is on the boundary between commerce and the arts, and accordingly on the boundary of the profane and the sacred, given the sacralization process from which the arts have benefited since the sixteenth century. To this end, aqualitative studywas conductedamong 18 regular readersin France. The findings of the studys how that, although the author name (the signature) plays…