The DNA barcoding of Mediterranean combtooth blennies suggests the paraphyly of some taxa (Perciformes, Blenniidae)
A dataset including novel and publicly available mtDNA COI sequences of 14 Mediterranean combtooth blenny species belonging to nine genera was assembled in order to provide a reference dataset for DNA barcoding studies. Some inconsistencies in the current taxonomy of some genera were observed. In particular, the monophyly of the genera Parablennius and Salaria is not supported by the present dataset and the absence of reciprocal monophyly between the morphospecies Salaria basilisca and S. pavo questions their status and stresses the need of a revision of the genus Salaria.
Systematics of European coastal anchovies (genus Engraulis Cuvier).
Reports of morphological differences between European anchovy (Engraulis cf. encrasicolus) from coastal and marine habitats have long existed in the ichthyologic literature, and have given rise to a long-standing debate on their taxonomic status. More recently, molecular studies have confirmed the existence of genetic differentiation between the two anchovy ecotypes. Using ancestry-informative markers, we show that coastal anchovies throughout the Mediterranean share a common ancestry, and that substantial genetic differentiation persists in different pairs of coastal/marine populations despite the presence of limited gene flow. On the basis of genetic and ecological arguments, we propose t…
An exhaustive phylogeny of the combtooth blenny genus Salaria (Pisces, Blenniidae) shows introgressive hybridization and lack of reciprocal mtDNA monophyly between the marine species Salaria basilisca and Salaria pavo.
A comprehensive phylogeny of the genus Salaria based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers grouped the extant species of the genus in well-characterised marine and freshwater clades, thus rejecting the hypothesis of a polytypic origin of the freshwater Salaria populations and supporting the occurrence of a single invasion event of the inland waters by the genus. Based on both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA datasets, the Salaria species of the freshwater clade proved to be vicariant taxa originating from a common ancestor which could possibly spread throughout the circum-Mediterranean inland waters during the late Miocene Messinian salinity crisis, then experiencing a process of allopatric dif…