Rami Pugatch
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Light Storage in an Atomic Mott Insulator
We experimentally demonstrate electromagnetically induced transparency and light storage with ultracold 87Rb atoms in a Mott insulating state in a three dimensional optical lattice. We have observed light storage times of about 240 ms, to our knowledge the longest ever achieved in ultracold atomic samples. Using the differential light shift caused by a spatially inhomogeneous far detuned light field we imprint a "phase gradient" across the atomic sample, resulting in controlled angular redirection of the retrieved light pulse.
Lorentzian-geometry-based analysis of airplane boarding policies highlights "slow passengers first" as better.
We study airplane boarding in the limit of large number of passengers using geometric optics in a Lorentzian metric. The airplane boarding problem is naturally embedded in a 1+1 dimensional space-time with a flat Lorentzian metric. The duration of the boarding process can be calculated based on a representation of the one-dimensional queue of passengers attempting to reach their seats, into a two-dimensional space-time diagram. The ability of a passenger to delay other passengers depends on their queue positions and row designations. This is equivalent to the causal relationship between two events in space-time, whereas two passengers are time-like separated if one is blocking the other, an…