Warren D. Sharp
Vegetation and climate record from Abric Romaní (Capellades, northeast Iberia) during the Upper Pleistocene (MIS 5d−3)
This study addresses the pollen record of Abric Romani archaeological site and the climate evolution of the last interglacial and glacial stadials in the Iberian Peninsula. The new pollen record spans the interval from 110,000 to 55,000 years ago. In general, the glacial/stadial vegetation is characterized by a steppe and herbaceous communities indicating dry and cold climatic conditions, whereas the vegetation optimum of past interglacials can be described as pine-oaks with mediterranean forest indicating milder and moister climatic conditions. During the first half of the MIS 5a and the MIS 5c, the region was warmer, which is characterized by temperate forests. However, the existence of A…
Late Quaternary slip rates for the southern Elsinore fault in the Coyote Mountains, southern California from analysis of alluvial fan landforms and clast provenance, soils, and U-series ages of pedogenic carbonate
Abstract Offset alluvial fans along the Elsinore fault in the south-central Coyote Mountains were studied to resolve an average late Quaternary slip rate for this major western strand of the San Andreas fault system in southern California. Alluvial fans and their offsets were mapped using high-resolution DEMs combined with field observations of fan-surface morphology and the character of the soils developed in each fan remnant. Clast assemblage data was used to determine the source of each alluvial fan upstream of the fault, and U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate was used to estimate minimum ages of the alluvial fan surfaces. Forty U-Th dates on pedogenic carbonate confirm the utility o…
Volcanism on the Eggvin Bank (Central Norwegian-Greenland Sea, latitude ∼71°N): age, source, and relationship to the Iceland and putative Jan Mayen plumes
Abstract The Eggvin Bank (Central Norwegian-Greenland Sea, latitude ∼71°N) is a topographically anomalous shallow area with scattered volcanic peaks extending between the island of Jan Mayen and East Greenland and straddling the northern segment of the mid-Atlantic Kolbeinsey Ridge axis. Basalts dredged from the Eggvin Bank range from variably depleted, tholeiitic, near-axis lavas to enriched, transitional-to-alkaline, off-axis seamount lavas. In terms of normalised incompatible element patterns, the most depleted, near-axis tholeiite is similar to neighbouring Kolbeinsey Ridge basalts, whereas the off-axis, transitional-to-alkaline lavas are similar to other alkaline basalts occurring clos…
Precise chronology of Polynesian temple construction and use for southeastern Maui, Hawaiian Islands determined by 230Th dating of corals
International audience; Emergent archaic states in pre-contact Hawai'i used a ritual control hierarchy implemented through a system of temples to manage production, extract tribute, and reinforce the legitimacy of the ruling elites. Based on a limited sample of precise 230Th dates from coral offerings on Maui Island temples it had been hypothesized that this temple system rapidly expanded during the period from A.D. 1580–1640. We tested this hypothesis by obtaining an expanded sample of 39 new 230Th coral dates from temples in Kahikinui District, and one sample from the summit of a cinder cone that likely had ritual significance. Combined with seven coral dates previously obtained, this yie…