Sisko Piippo
Aineenopettajaksi opiskelevien koulukokemuksia sukupuolistuneesta väkivallasta
Artikkelissa tarkastelemme sukupuolistunutta väkivaltaa aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden koulukokemusten näkökulmasta. Merkittävä määrä nuorista altistuu väkivallan ja häirinnän eri muodoille. Kouluterveyskyselyjen mukaan erityisesti tyttöihin ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kohdistuva väkivalta ja seksuaalinen häirintä ovat viime vuosien aikana lisääntyneet huolestuttavasti. Koulun ja opettajien rooli ilmiöön puuttumisessa on tärkeä, samoin opettajankoulutuksen, jonka aikana opiskelijoiden olisi tärkeä tulla tietoiseksi väkivallan ilmenemismuodoista ja niihin puuttumisen mahdollisuuksista. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin fokusryhmähaastatteluilla, joihin osallistui yhteensä 18 aineenopettajaopiskeli…
Intervening in domestic violence : interprofessional collaboration among social and health care professionals and the police
Encountering domestic violence victims, perpetrators and witnesses in the multiprofessional fields of health and social care and policing includes various challenges. Each professional group perceives domestic violence from its own perspective, linked to its position in the field, core tasks, institutional practices and organizational structures. In this study, we examine interprofessional collaboration among Finnish social and health care professionals and police officers, focusing on the practices and conceptions concerning domestic violence interventions. The data consists of 16 focus group interviews, involving a total of 67 interviewees from social and health care professions and the p…
Framing Social Work Discourses of Violence Against Women. Insights From Finland and India
Violence against women (VAW) is a global social problem. In India, its high prevalence is connected to gender inequality, whereas Finland suffers from the so-called Nordic Paradox—that is, the existence of both gender equality and a high prevalence of VAW. This qualitative study employed a critical constructioniist approach and frame analysis to analyze data from interviews with Finnish (n =20) and Mumbai (n =18) social workers. We asked how social workers frame their response to VAW and how ways of framing elucidate institutional practices that facilitate the interventions. Anti-oppressive, juridical, procedural, and collaborational frames revealed institutional practices mirroring how soc…
Institutional and Affective Practices of Domestic Violence Interventions in Social Work: Malignant Positioning of Victims
This chapter investigates the institutional and affective practices of domestic violence (DV) interventions in Finnish social work. It examines the expression of social workers’ emotions related to intervening in DV and how these expressions result in the positioning of clients. Encountering and intervening in DV is often challenging; ideological presumptions, conceptions, gender-neutral discussions and misrecognition of violence affect institutional arrangements and practices, and the ways in which professionals feel about and respond to violence. We utilise positioning theory to analyse social workers’ focus group interview data (n = 20). We consider (1) how emotions expressed by social w…