Roberto Pippi
Raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia
L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità considera la salute orale come parte integrante, non solo dello stato di salute generale, ma anche della qualità della vita di ciascun individuo. In tale ottica, in accordo e con il sostegno del mondo professionale e della comunità scientifica di questo settore, le raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia contenute nel presente volume forniscono indicazioni e definiscono standard di intervento per la prevenzione e la cura delle più comuni patologie del cavo orale nonché per l’identificazione di percorsi terapeutici appropriati a supporto degli operatori pubblici e privati. Esse costituiscono, inoltre, uno strumento utile per mantenere alto il liv…
Liquid biopsy in the assessment of microRNAs in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review
The identification of non-invasive biomarkers from biological fluids collected by liquid biopsy provides new horizons for individualized therapeutic strategies and improves clinical decision-making in OSCC patients. Circulating microRNAs have emerged as biomarkers that may reflect not only the existence of cancer, but also the dynamic, malignant potential, and drug resistance of tumors. The aim of the systematic review is to evaluate and summarize the results of the published studies regarding the use of microRNAs as biomarkers for OSCC.A literature search was conducted on PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane databases till November 2020. A total of 34 studies met the inclusion crit…
Is telephone follow-up really effective in early diagnosis of inflammatory complications after tooth extraction?
Background To establish whether telephone follow-up is really able to intercept post-extraction complications and to evaluate the degree of patient satisfaction with this kind of post-surgical monitoring. Material and Methods Six hundred and thirty-eight patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to a test or control group. Test group patients were monitored by telephone follow-up 24 and 72 hours after surgery to investigate the presence of local symptoms that are frequently associated with surgical wound infection and inflammation. Both test and control group patients were examined 7 days at suture removal. Patients with systemic diseases, those in which intra-operative accidents occurre…
The central odontogenic fibroma: How difficult can be making a preliminary diagnosis
Central odontogenic fibroma (COF) is a rare benign odontogenic tumor derived from the dental ectomesenchymal tissues. A 16-year-old Caucasian female patient was referred by her dentist for a radiolucent asymptomatic area associated with the crown of the impacted lower right third molar. A preliminary diagnosis of a follicular cyst was supposed. The lesion was surgically removed under general anesthesia together with the impacted tooth. The microscopic diagnosis of the excised tissue revealed an odontogenic fibroma. No clinical or radiographic signs of recurrence were found five years after surgical excision. Despite the various differential diagnoses of homogeneous unilocular and well delim…
Is telephone follow-up useful in preventing post-extraction bleeding in patients on antithrombotic treatment?
Background The aim of the study was to investigate the usefulness of telephone follow-up in preventing post-extraction bleeding and improving wound healing in patients on chronic antithrombotic treatment. Material and methods A prospective randomized clinical trial was carried out on 256 patients (test group = 128; control group = 128). The exact two-tailed Fisher test and the two-tailed non-parametric Mann-Whitney test were used for statistical analysis. Results The incidence of post-extraction bleeding was 15.6% and there was no difference between test and control groups. However, the study group was significantly, though weakly, associated with the severity of bleeding. Patient satisfact…
The impact of physical activity on psychological health during Covid-19 pandemic in Italy
The worldwide spread of COVID-19 has upset the normality of Italian daily life, forcing population to social distancing and self-isolation. Since the containment precautions also concern sport-related activities, home workout remained the only possibility to play sports and stay active during the pandemic. The present study aimed to examine changes in the physical activity levels during self-quarantine in Italy, and the impact of exercise on psychological health. A total of 2974 Italian subjects has completed an online survey, but only 2524 subjects resulted eligible for this study. The questionnaire measured the total weekly physical activity energy expenditure before and during quarantine…