Jose Bordes
A vacuum transition in the FSM with a possible new take on the horizon problem in cosmology
The framed standard model (FSM), constructed to explain the empirical mass and mixing patterns of quarks and leptons, gives the same result as the standard model in almost all areas in particle physics where it has been successfully applied, except for a few deviations such as the W mass and the g-2 of muons, where experiment is showing departures from what SM predicts. It predicts further the existence of a hidden sector of particles which may function as dark matter. In this paper, we first note that the above results involve the FSM undergoing a vacuum transition at a scale of around 17 MeV, where the vev's of the colour framons which are all nonzero above that scale acquire some vanishi…
String fields as limit of functions and surface terms in string field theory
We consider the String Field Theory proposed by Witten in the discretized approach, where the string is considered as the limit N → ∞ of a collection of N points. In this picture the string functional is the limit of a succession of functions of an increasing number of variables; an object with some resemblances to distributions. Attention is drawn to the fact that the convergence is not of the uniform kind, and that therefore exchanges of limits, sums and integral signs can cause problems, and be ill defined. In this context we discuss some surface terms found by Woodard, which arise in integrations by parts, and argue that they depend crucially on the choice of the successions of functio…
In this paper we consider the set of maps from the interval [0, π] which constitute the argument of the functionals of a String Field Theory. We show that in order to correctly reproduce results of the dual model one has to include all square integrable functions in the functional integral, or Ω0 in terms of Sobolev spaces.
Computation of Amplitudes in the Discretized Approach to String Field Theory
An approach to Witten string field theory based on the discretization of the world sheet is adopted. We use it to calculate tree amplitudes with the formulation of the theory based on string functionals. The results are evaluated numerically and turn out to be very accurate, giving, for a string approximated by 600 points, values within 0.02% of the prediction of the dual model. The method opens a way to calculate amplitudes in string field theory using nonflat backgrounds as well as compactified dimensions.