Dystroglycan regulates structure, proliferation and differentiation of neuroepithelial cells in the developing vertebrate CNS.
AbstractIn the developing CNS α- and β-dystroglycan are highly concentrated in the endfeet of radial neuroepithelial cells at the contact site to the basal lamina. We show that injection of anti-dystroglycan Fab fragments, knockdown of dystroglycan using RNAi, and overexpression of a dominant-negative dystroglycan protein by microelectroporation in neuroepithelial cells of the chick retina and optic tectum in vivo leads to the loss of their radial morphology, to hyperproliferation, to an increased number of postmitotic neurons, and to an altered distribution of several basally concentrated proteins. Moreover, these treatments also altered the oriented growth of axons from retinal ganglion c…