A. Ferrigno
Correlation among pAKT, pERK1/2 and DNA fragmentation index in human cumulus cells to determine oocyte competence
The aim was to correlate specific biological aspects of cumulus cells isolated from individual cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) with the clinical outcome of the related embryos.
In spermatozoa collected after pellet swim up, when total dna fragmentation is higher than 15%, the normal morphologically spermatozoa population shows an increased dna damage
Study question: We investigated the DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI) in motile normal morphologically spermatozoa comparing samples with total DFI < 15% Vs ≥ 15% collected after pellet swim up Summary answer: In the case of DFI ≥15% the percentage of normal morphologically spermatozoa with fragmented DNA is significantly higher than the population with DFI < 15% What is known already: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is widely used in the treatment of male infertility. Only morphologically normal spermatozoa are mainly used by embryologists to fertilize an oocyte. Different papers have reported that spermatozoa with apparently normal morphology may have DNA fragmentation. These ev…