L Lorello
Obbligo vaccinale e limiti: una recente decisione del Consiglio di Giustizia Amministrativa della Regione Siciliana
This brief paper analyses the obligation of Covid-19 vaccine provided by Italian legislation for workers of the National Health Service. In the order n. 38 of 2022, the Council of Sicilian Administrative Justice decided to verify the possibility to impose mandatory Covid-19 vaccine in relation to Art. 32nd of the Italian Constitution, which provides freedom of self-determination in health choices. Moreover, this principle has to be connected to the general principle of solidarity , enshrined in the Art. 2nd of the Italian Constitution.
Most researches in Constitutional Law and many politicians assume that democracy is in danger because a lack of political participation by citizens. The aim of this brief paper is to demonstrate the value of political participation of citizens in a democratic system. The Articles 1st, 2nd, 48th and 49th of the Italian Constitution will be examined in this paper, including the speech of members of the Italian Constitutional Assembly, Aldo Moro (1947) and Pietro Calamandrei (1955). As a result, democracy, which is strongly linked with the citizens’ political participation, will emerge. Finally, it is necessary to assume the presence of citizens in the political debate, to render democracy ali…
Alcune osservazioni sull’effettività del principio delle pari opportunità
Observations on the principle of equal opportunities effectiveness The aim of this brief paper is to analyse the path to achieving gender balance (provided by Art. 51 of the Italian Constitution) in the Italian constitutional system. Departing from the Italian Constitutional Court judgement no. 4/2010, various Italian administrative court decisions will be examined. In addition, the recent Italian State Council judgement no. 4294/2021 will also be analysed: it declared that the gender balance principle is immediately mandatory and it does not need to be given legal effect by Parliament.
La partecipazione di interessi e di istanze al procedimento legislativo nello Statuto della Regione Sicilia
The participation of interests and requests in the legislative procedure in the Statute of the Region of Sicily The participation of interests in the political decision-making process and in the law-making process is an important tool for making the decision effective and respected. Participatory institutions are provided for in forms other than the regulations of the Regional Councils. Unlike for Sicily, there is a special provision included in the Statute, Art. 12.3, which provides that «Draft laws are drawn up by the Commissions of the Regional Assembly with the participation of representatives of professional interests and regional technical bodies». The importance of the contribution o…
Recensione del volume “Lidia e altre. Pari opportunità ieri e oggi: l’eredità di Lidia Poët”, di Chiara Viale, Milano 2022
The story of Lidia Poet, the first woman registered in the Register of Lawyers in Italy is linked to the events of the promotion of gender equality sanctioned by Art. 51th of the Italian Constitution. It testifies to the long path towards equal opportunities.
Quote rosa e parità tra i sessi: la storia di un lungo cammino
Article 3.1 of the Italian Constitution enshrines the principle of equality and the prohibition of discrimination, based on “gender, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions”. Additionally, Article 48 grants an equal right to men and women to vote, and Articles 56.3 and Article 58.1 establish the right to be elected to the Camera dei Deputati and the Senato della Repubblica without any reference to the gender of the candidates. Men and women voted in Italy the first time in an institutional referendum on 2 June 1946 to choose between a Republic and a Monarchy. However , the right for women to be elected came many years later, after a long and hard-fought s…