Marc Choisy

Ecologie de la santé

Quand l'écologie pose son diagnostic. L'actualité nous le rappelle sans cesse : les maladies comme le paludisme, le Sida, ébola ou zika sont difficiles à combattre, et les maladies chroniques de type cancer, diabète ou maladies cardio-vasculaires toujours plus meurtrières. Pour la première fois de son histoire, l'humanité voit même son espérance de vie diminuer. Pour comprendre les raisons de cette crise sanitaire, l'écologie scientifique pose un autre regard sur la santé qui prend en considération les transformations de l'environnement et l'évolution de nos modes de vie. Cette nouvelle approche évolutive et écologique des problèmes de santé tente d'élucider les mécanismes en jeu dans la tr…

research product


Adaptation depends greatly on the distribution of mutation fitness effects (DMFE), but the phenotypic expression of mutations is often environment dependent. The environments faced by multihost pathogens are mostly governed by their hosts and therefore measuring the DMFE on multiple hosts can inform on the likelihood of short-term establishment and longer term adaptation of emerging pathogens. We explored this by measuring the growth rate of 36 mutants of the lytic bacteriophage φX174 on two host backgrounds, Escherichia coli (EcC) and Salmonella typhimurium (StGal). The DMFE showed higher mean and variance on EcC than on StGal. Most mutations were either deleterious or neutral on both host…

research product

Data from: The distribution of mutational fitness effects of phage ϕX174 on different hosts

Adaptation depends greatly on the distribution of mutation fitness effects (DMFE), but the phenotypic expression of mutations is often environment-dependent. The environments of multi-host pathogens are mostly governed by their hosts and therefore measuring the DMFE on multiple hosts can inform on the likelihood of short-term establishment and longer-term adaptation of emerging pathogens. We explored this by measuring the growth rate of 36 mutants of the lytic bacteriophage ϕX174 on two host backgrounds, Escherichia coli (EcC) and Salmonella typhimurium (StGal). The DMFE showed higher mean and variance on EcC than on StGal. Most mutations were either deleterious or neutral on both hosts, bu…

research product